Chapter 28

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Bella's POV

The area around me is pitch black. I can't see anything.

'What place is this?'

'Where is Sebastien?'

"Hello, can someone hear me? Sebastien.
Babe, are you there? Can you hear me?"
I called out for Sebastien as I'm feeling scared.

I am walking around aimlessly. It's so dark. I can't see anything. I've no idea where I am.


Still no reply. I kept walking, and then I saw a firefly.

'Finally, some sorce of light. ' I thought to myself.

I tried to touch the firefly, but it flew away. I was following it from behind.

"Hey, little fly. Don't leave me alone here. Wait for me, I'm coming with you."

As I was following the firefly, I saw rays of light coming from far. I started walking fast, maybe that's my door to escape from this dark place.

As I was close to that light ray, I could hear Sebastien's voice.

"Bella." He is calling me.

I walked at a faster pace, and now I'm almost there.
Right in front of me is door, from the other side a door a bright light is coming. I stepped through it, and my eyes couldn't handle the brightness . I shut my eyes to adjust myself to the light.

When I opened my eyes, I looked around, and I found myself on the cruise ship.

"Bella, where are you?" I heard Sebastien's voice.
My eyes lit up as soon as I saw him.

"Seb, I'm here." I replied.

But he acted as if he hadn't heard me. I was right in front of his eyes, but he was still searching for me.

"Seb, why are you not looking at me?" I said .

I tried to hold his hand, but I couldn't touch him.

'Why can't I touch him? Am I dead? Or I'm dreaming?' I thought to myself.

"Babe, I'm here." A girl came and hugged him from behind.

I looked at her face, and my eyes widened.
It's me. The girl looks exactly like me. Is it really me?

Did I time travel or something ?

"Bella, where have you been? I was searching everywhere. " Sebastien's said to that girl .
That girl is me, and I'm feeling weird right now. I feel like some invisible ghost, and my body is moving around in front of me.

"I just went to grab a bite with Emily. " She said, or should I say that I said. Damm, this is so weird.

"Listen, babe, I am going to do some work, and I'll let you know as soon as I get free. Don't go into our room until I tell you. I need to work in a peaceful environment ." Sebastien said.

with that, he left my replica there.

'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something important?'

I shrugged and decided to follow my replica. She just went to enjoy the beautiful view of the sea.
This is a dream, but it still feels so real to me. It feels like I'm living in some old memory.

I closed my eyes and tried hard to think about but can't remember anything.

I just stay there by her side and enjoy the beauty of the sea. It's so damm beautiful. Water drops seem to be shining when the sun rays fall on it.

"Sebastien, how long do I have to wait?" She asked over the call . Though I can't hear him but I feel like I already know what he is saying . This feeling of deja vu.

We stayed there for a while. Meanwhile, a few college friends came and had a little chat with her, and I was invisible for them.

"Hey, Bella." My best friend Emily called me.

"Hi Emily," I replied, but I forgot that she couldn't see or hear me.

"Hi," Bella said. It still feels weird to address her like that.

"What are you doing here alone?" Emily asked.

"Nothing, Sebastien is busy with some work in our room, so I'm waiting for him to get free. It feels like eternity now." She sighed, and Emily chuckled.

"Want me to give you a little spoiler?" Emily asked.


"Sebastien is planning something special for you." She said.

"Really, what is it?" Bella asked.

"He is going to propose you for marriage. " Emily said with a sad look.

"What, really? But why are you so sad?" She asked.

"Because I like Sebastien. I'm happy for you guys, but I'm sad for you." Emily said.

"Emily, I never knew that you like Sebastien. " Bella said.

I feel like I'm just an audience here, I can't say or do anything in this matter.

"Bella, you don't have to feel sad for me. In fact, I feel sad for you." Emily said.

I felt puzzled by her statement so as my replica.

"What do you mean, Emily?"

"Did you wonder why I disclosed Sebastien's surprise to you?" Emily asked.

"No, why did you?"

"Because you will never get a chance to see or know about that. " She smirked.

"What are you trying to say, Emily? Why are you saying weird things?" My replica asked.

My head started painting at that time. A few images revolved in my head. Some memories were coming on the surface, and my eyes widened as I realized what was going to happen soon.

"No, run away. Please, just run away." I said to my replica, but she can't hear it.

"You don't have to feel sad for me, Bella, because I'm going to be with Sebastien. You have to get out of our lives now." Emily said as she held Bella by her throat. She is gasping for air, but Emily was just tightening her hold.

"Stop it. Leave her, Emily. You are such a backstabbing bitch. " I tried to push Emily, but I can't touch her.
I felt so helpless to see myself struggling in her hold like that.

"Rest in peace, Bella." Emily pushed her, and she fell into the sea.

"NOOOO. " I screamed.

"Sebastien, save me." I screamed as I woke up .My body was covered in sweat, and tears were falling from my eyes.

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