Chapter 17

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Evelyn's POV

I had a feeling that Emily was behind it, and it turned out to be true.

Emily came and sat on the opposite chair to me.

"Why did you call me here?"

I responded to her question with a question.

"Why did you ask Caro to sell the designs?"

She was shocked that I knew her secret.

" I won't pretend like I didn't do it. Yes, I did it to frame you. Because I'm jealous of you. I don't like the fact that my fiance is giving you more attention. "

She said with glossy eyes, and I felt bad.

"You have problems with me, Emily, but please don't do any stuff that will make his company suffer. "

She nodded in response and asked ,

"Will you tell Sebastien about this?"

I shook my head,

"I won't tell him about this. Make sure not to repeat such stuff."

she smiled painfully after hearing my statement and started to sob afterward. She held my hand and said,

"Evelyn, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was just driven insane by my jealousy. You know Evelyn, I liked Sebastien since school days. The only guy I ever had my eyes on was him. Then Bella came into his life. He loved her like crazy, though I was hurt to lose my love, but I always supported those two. I happily backed off for them. But then Bella died suddenly,"

She was sobbing hard by now. I was rubbing her back to comfort her. She continued,

"Bella and Sebastien were my best friends. Her death had a huge impact on our lives. Sebastien was keeping his distance from everyone except me. That's why his parents decided to get us married. After years of one-sided love, I finally got him. Even though he still loves Bella, I thought he may love me someday. But you came out of nowhere and I was scared to lose him again. Please, Evelyn, forgive me ."

I felt so bad for her. Me and Sebastien just know each other for just a month or two, and I'm already so attached to him that Emily's entry was a painful event for me. On the other hand, she loved him for years, I couldn't even imagine how much she suffered .

"I should be the one apologising. I came between your happy lives. But I didn't know he was going to be engaged with you. I'll surely keep my distance. Sorry for hurting your feelings, Emily."

I apologised to her, and she hugged me tightly,

" Will you be my friend Evelyn? After losing Bella, I miss having a female bestie."

I gladly nodded in acceptance. We ate lunch together and went shopping later. Emily is really a sweet girl.

"Emily, will you come on the Hawaii vacation?"

I asked her, and her face saddened,

"I don't think he is going to invite me. I was being so mean to you recently. He is not even talking to me after that."

"Don't worry, I've a plan. I'll send you the details of the hotel we will be staying in. Even if he doesn't invite you, it doesn't mean you can't go on a vacation on your own. You can use this opportunity to get close to him. I'll help you."

I suggested, and her eyes lit up. She hugged me excitedly,

"Thank you so much, Evelyn. You are the best. I just love you."

I giggled at her statement and hugged her back. Then we did some more shopping for our Hawaii vacation.

When I went back home, Sebastien was calling me, but I declined his calls.

After a while, the doorbell rang, and when I opened the door, Sebastien was standing in front, and of me.

"Why the hell are you ignorant me, Evelyn?"

He looks pissed . But I don't wanna be near him, I can't ditch my friend Emily.

"Why are you here, sir? You shouldn't be visiting your employee's home this late at night."

My statement only added fuel to his anger. Walked inside and slammed the door shut.

"You love to test my patience, don't you."

He was not glaring at me, and I was feeling intimidated by his personality.

"Please, leave me alone, Sebastien. I don't wanna talk to you. Don't make things hard for me."

I was walking back to my rooms, I thought he would go back, but he followed me all the way to my room.

"Evelyn, we were friends, right? Are you going to cut me off from your life? Why did you make me feel special that day at Bella's cemetery? I was fine, being lifeless and cold. "

His words feel like pieces of glass pricking my heart. But I just can't do this to Emily. She waited for years, and it's not fair to snatch it all from her. She doesn't deserve all this pain and suffering.

"Please, Sebastien. Stop being selfish and think about Emily. You are hurting her."

His eyes were all cold and lifeless.

"What about me, Evelyn? Am I not getting hurt?"

"Then tell me Sebastien. Why are you getting hurt?"
I asked him.

"Because you are going far away from me, Evelyn. It's hurting me." he yelled.

"That what I'm asking, Sebastien Robinson. Why are you hurt when I'm going far away. Are you in love with me?"

My question left him dumbfounded.

"Tell me, do you love me?" I repeated my question in a higher voice.

I could see multiple emotions in his eyes. I don't know for how long we were just starting into each other's eyes without saying a single word. I wanna clear this thing out. It's time for him to clarify his stand our relationship.

"Do you love me, Evelyn?" He asked me, and I'm pretty clear about my feelings.

"Yes, Sebastien Robinson. I'm in love with you, and I'm not afraid to voice out my feelings . Are you brave enough to answer my question?"
My voice was challenging him.

"I'm asking for the last time. Do you love me?"

He finally broke his silence on this,

"Evelyn, I......"

"You what Sebastien? Say it"

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