Chapter 9

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Evelyn's POV

As I've planned to make things up with Sebastien, today I'm cooking lunch for him. I've noticed that he skipped his lunch most of the time, so a home cooked meal would be the best option.

I packed up everything in the tifin box and got my cab to work.

"Good morning, sir," I said with a bright smile, and he just nodded without even glancing at me. He seems to be in a bad mood.

'Be careful Eve, Don't end up making it worse rather than making up with him,' I thought to myself.

"Is everything okay, sir? You seem to be in a bad mood," I asked him curiously.

"Just get to the work, Miss Moore . You are not paid for worrying about my mood," he said coldly.

Miss Moore? Seriously? Are we back at the formalities ?

"What's the schedule for the day?" he asked.

"Today you have a meeting regarding collaboration with a Chinese fashion brand. After that, you have to go through the outfit design for our next product launch. Then you have to attend a fashion design contest as a chief guest." I told him his schedule and got back to my desk as he dismissed me.

I looked at the clock. It's 2pm.
I took the tifin and went to his office.

"Sir, it's lunchtime. Let's have lunch," I said, and he raised his head to look at me and closed the file he was holding.

"You can go ahead and eat, Miss Moore. I'm not hungry," he declined my invitation.

"Sir, you are skipping your lunch these days. It's not good for health. I've cooked lunch for you. Let's eat together," I said while unpacking the lunch box, ignoring his protest.

"Okay, fine. But I'll just eat a little," he said and took a bite.

"Food is awesome. Thank you for the meal," he said and started munching on the food.

We ate while talking about random things and laughing on silly jokes. I like this version of him.

It's been almost a week since I started making lunch with him. I have made so much progress with him.
He is nice to me these days. Having lunch together gives us a chance to get to know each other well.

It's lunchtime, and as usual, I took the tifin box and walked inside his cabin. He was not there. As I was waiting for him, my eyes fell on a picture frame on his table. I was curious to see whose picture was in that frame, so I turned the frame towards myself and picked it up to get a closer look.

It was a picture of a beautiful lady. I wonder if she is the one in his heart? I thought of him liking other women , hurting me.

'Why does it hurt? It shouldn't affect me whether he is dating someone or not, then why I'm upset.'

As I was lost in my thoughts, the door was opened.

"What are you doing?" he asked, and I stood up instantly, but the picture frame fell from my hands.

I covered my mouth with the back of my hand with a loud gasp as the sound of glass shattering was heard. The frame is broken.

"Sir, I was just waiting for you. I prepared lunch for us. I'm sorry I broke the frame," I said and kneeled down to pick the glass pieces.

"Shut up and get out of my cabin now," he roared at me, held my arms harshly to make me stand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break it. It just slipped out of my hands. I'll clear it soon, then let's eat," I said.

"I said, just shut up. And I don't need you or your food. Just get the hell out of my site. Just because I was being nice to you, don't try to overstep your boundaries," He shouted at me, and it broke my heart.

I ran out of his cabin with tears in my eyes, not bothering by the stares of other employees

'He hates me. I should just disappear from his life. From day one, he doesn't like me. I should stop bothering him now.' I thought to myself.

I don't know how long I cried. I stood up and walked to the ladies' room. I looked into the mirror, and my eyes were all red and puffy. I splashed water at my face .

Getting back to my desk, I started doing my work again. For the rest of the day, I didn't see him again. He didn't even ask for me once.

All the other employees were walking on eggshells after they saw me running out of his cabin with tears. No one wants to face his grumpy side.

"Miss Moore, bring my coffee," I heard his voice through intercoms.

I prepared his coffee as usual and opened the door of his cabin, I could feel his gaze on me, but I kept my head low. I'm not ready to show him my sore eyes.

I simply placed the coffee mug on his desk and turned back on my heels without giving him a single glance.


I looked at the clock. It's time to wrap up the work. I took my bag and the envelope from my desk before walking towards his office.

Before I could enter the cabin, he walked out of it.

"Let's go. I'll drop you home," he said.

I gave the envelope to him without saying a word to him. He had a confused look on his face.

He opened the envelope, and his eyes went wide.

"No, you are not doing this. " he said, referring to the letter.

When he didn't get any response from me, he continued," If it's about how I lashed out at you, I just wanna say I'm sorry. I just lost the temper."

"You don't have to apologize. After all, I'm the one to bother you all the time. So, please accept my resignation." I said and left him there, dumbfounded.

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