Chapter 18

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Sebastien's POV

I almost lost my voice when she asked me that question. I don't know if I'm glad about her confession or not. I feel happy about the fact that she loves me.
But do I love her??

"Evelyn, I like you. But I don't know if I love you or not. "

I was just not sure of my own feelings.

"I want clarity, Sebastien. Do you love me?"

She asked again with broken voice and glossy eyes. She is fighting bacn her tears.

"No, I don't. I only love Bella. I don't love you."

I answered, and I saw tears falling from her eyes. I wanted to wipe them off, but she moved backward to avoid my touch.

"That girl loved you for years. You don't even love me. Her pain is far more than yours."

I couldn't stand to see her in tears. I ran out of her house like a coward. I hurt her feelings.

The next day was our flight to Hawaii . Evelyn was ignoring me as usual. She was with the other female staff all the time. She didn't even spare me a glance. After yesterday's episode, I didn't have the courage to face her.

When we reached the hotel, Emily came running towards me and threw herself in my arms.

"Hey, Sebastien. I came to surprise you." I just smiled at her. That's all I could do. Hurt was visible in Evelyn's eyes.

Then Emily went to Evelyn and hugged her. They were talking like long-lost friends. My jaw dropped at that. The last thing I remembered was that Emily couldn't stand Evelyn's sight. Them being all friendly is new to me.

Ignoring my presence, Evelyn walked out with Emily. Her room was next to me, but she exchanged her room with Emily later, saying that she wanted a bigger room, so she shifted in Emily's room, which was not even on our floor . It was on the next floor.

'Why are you feeling hurt now? Didn't you say that you don't love her? Now bear the consequences of your cowardness.'

Even my inner voice was criticizing me. But I can't do anything about it. I love Bella, and no one could ever replace her from my heart.

In the evening, I finally decided to talk to her, so I texted her.

'Evelyn, will you get out on dinner with me.'

I waited for her reply, for almost one hour. She finally texted back and agreed to go out with me.
I booked a private room in a famous restaurant for us and instructed the manager about all the arrangements. I even went there personally to check the arrangements before going to pick her up. But she refused me to pick her.She said she would come on her own.

I was sitting on our table eagerly waiting for her to arrive. Then, the door opened, and I was about to go and hug her, but my face paled to see the person in front of me.

"Emily, why are you here? Where is Evelyn?"

I asked politely, not wanting to take all my frustration out on Emily. She is my best friend, and I don't wanna be rude to her unnecessarily. I don't lose my calm on her until she crosses the lines.

"Actually, Evelyn was ready for having dinner with you, but then she got her periods. She was having cramps, too, so she couldn't make it. I prepared a hot pack for her to make her feel better."

She said while sitting opposite to me. Then I spoke,

"But that doesn't explain why you are here."

I wanted to run out of this place and go to Evelyn as soon as I heard about her cramps. I want to take care of her, but I wanna know the reason for Emily's presence here.

"She was feeling bad that she couldn't make it here. You would have been left alone, so she asked to come on this dinner in her place to accompany you."

She said calmly. I'm not interested in this dinner anymore.

"I don't feel hungry anymore. I would like to leave."

I was about to leave, but Emily tried to stop me. While doing so, she twisted her ankle and fell down. I helped her to sit back on the seat.

"Ahhhh! I think I twisted my ankle. "

I asked the manager to bring the first aid and used some pain relieving spray on her foot. She was hissing with pain.

"Let's go, Emily. "

"I'm hungry, Sebastien. Can we eat first?"

She asked me with pleading eyes, and I couldn't deny considering her condition .

We ate together and she was enjoying it. On the other hand, I was suffering . She was being so talkative, and for the first time, I found it annoying. She has been talkative since school days, and I never had issues with it. But right now, it's giving me a headache.

"Now that we are done with food, let's go back."

I stood up from my place and supported her to walk as she said that she couldn't walk on her own. I helped her to sit in the car and later helped her out come out of it.

She asked me to walk her to her room. Her arms were wrapped around my neck, and she was literally clinging on my shoulder . This would be the last thing I would want Evelyn to see. I was making sure to take her to her room without being noticed by Evelyn.

But to my surprise, when we got to Emily's room, Evelyn was sitting on her bed with a hot pack on her abdomen, and she was eating some dark chocolate. As expected, she didn't look too pleased to see us like that.

"Actually, Emily twisted her foot, so I was helping her to walk."

I helped Emily to get on her bed.

"How are you feeling now, Evelyn? If you need anything or crave something, feel free to call me."

She replied," I'm fine now. I hope you guys enjoyed the dinner. And you don't have to bother, if I need something I will call roomservice."

"Good night then. Both of you take care."

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