Chapter 3

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Evelyn's POV 

I woke up with a headache, and I groaned bcos of the pain. Maybe I drank too much last night. I looked at my surroundings. 

'What place is it?' I asked myself in the unfamiliar surroundings.

I looked down at myself, and my eyes widened in horror. I'm naked, and I don't know whom I slept with. I don't remember what happened last night. Me and sana went to a club and we drank a lot.

I was literally pulling my hair in frustration to remember everything. 

The whole scenario of last night played out in front of my eyes. Meeting that stranger in the club who saved me from the creep guy. Then he took me to his home and I kissed him. Oh my! Holy moly! I initiated intimacy with him, and we had sex.

Evelyn, what the hell have you done? You slept with a stranger.  Oh wait, he was familiar. I must have met him before. 

I tried hard to think about him. I remembered his facial features and realised he was the same guy from the coffee shop whom I insulted that day.

'Wow, Evelyn Moore, you are so awesome, right? You are such a fool that you slept with the guy whom you insulted. My first impression of him was so bitchy and in the second meeting I took him to bed. You are maintaining such a nice reputation.' I said sarcastically and cursed myself. 

I remember he was calling me Bella. He was moaning the name of some other girl named Bella. Did he mistake me for someone else last night? Is Bella his girlfriend? If she is his girlfriend, it means he cheated on her, and I become a third person between the couple. I felt like shit at the thought of taking someone else's man.

I was calling him Sebastien last night, but I don't remember him telling his name. How did I know his name then? Maybe he told me, but I don't remember that. I was not sober last night.

I saw a note at the nightstand and read it - " Whatever happened last night, let's just forget it. We were not sober last night. You don't have to feel guilty about it. Just hope we never cross paths with each other ever again."

He wants me to forget it. What else was I even expecting? Obviously, he has Bella in his life.Why would he leave her for me? After all, it's just a one night stand for him, and we were not even sober. I don't know why I'm feeling bad about his note. I shouldn't feel hurt.

I looked at the clock, and it was 8 in the morning. Dammm, today is my first day at work. I can't be late on my first day at work. I wore my clothes and booked a cab.

I reached home and went straight to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and brushed my teeth. Then I got ready in my formals and did a little touch-up. Rushed to the office. 

It's 9:25 am already and I'm supposed to report at 9:30 am. I'm already in the lift and I have to go to the 10th floor.  

"Hey, I'm the new secretary. Can you tell me the directions to the CEO'S office." I asked a girl in the corridor.

As per the directions given by him, I reached the CEO office and knocked on the door. 

"Come in." I heard the voice from inside the office.

I pushed the door and entered the office. It was lavishly decorated. Boss was sitting on his chair facing the opposite wall.

I read the name on the nameplate on his desk- Sebastien Robinson 

Why does he have the same name as that stranger? I'm sick of this name. But I guess I need to get used to it bcos it's my boss's name.

"Good morning, sir. I'm Evelyn Moore, I'll be your new secretary from now on." I greeted him.

"Good morning, Miss Moore. You are 2 minutes late. I don't like late comers. I'll let it slide as it's your first day, but make sure to be on time from the next time. "He said.

"I'm sorry, sir.  I'll be on time from tomorrow on." I apologised.

He turned his chair and faced me, and my jaw hung down, and so did his.

"You?" We both said in unison. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I should be the one asking you that. This is my company.  You are the outsider here." He said rudely. 

"I was appointed as the secretary but I didn't expect you to be my boss." I said .

"Oh god! You are such a headache. Why are you everywhere? Are you stalking me or something?" I asked furiously while facepalming.

"Don't think so highly of yourself.  Why would I follow you? I think you are the one stalking me." I said sarcastically. 

" This is my place. You are the stalker here, not me." He pointed finger at me. We started arguing. 

" Let's just stop fighting now. I don't have energy to argue. " I said, annoyed.

"Yeah, you used all your energy in bed last night." I said sarcastically and smirked. 

"Don't mention that thing. My brain is already fucked up because of that. I know you have a girlfriend. Let's forget about last night. It was just a mistake. " I said.

"Yeah it was a mistake.  And who saud I've a girlfriend. I don't have any." He said.

I wanted to ask him about Bella. But I don't want to be nosy. Maybe it's a one sided love. Let's not embarrass him.

" Also, I'm sorry about that day in the cafe. I was at fault. I'm so sorry. " I apologised to him.

"I don't accept your apology and I don't want to work with you. Get out of my office now." I hissed at me.

"But why? You can't fire me like that?" I tried to save my job.

"I can do whatever I want. This is my office, Miss Moore.  And as per your words that day, I'm a jerk right. So a jerk can do anything. " He said coldly .

"Now get out" He shouted.

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