Chapter 23

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Evelyn's POV

I'm feeling much relieved after ending things with Theodore. Being with him and having another person in my heart felt so wrong . I can finally live without that guilt.

Today is Sunday, and as per plan, I had to go out with Emily. But she canceled the plan because Sebastien wanted to meet her, so she went out with him.

I have no idea what I'm going to do today. So far, it's been so boring. I'm doing nothing, just lying on my bed like a lazy bear.

I wonder what Emily and Sebastien must be doing. May be their relationship improve. I'm feeling so jealous.

'No, no, Evelyn. You shouldn't be jealous. You should be happy for your friend.'

My doorbell rang. May be it's Sana.

I went to open the door. A middle-aged lady was standing in front of my door. Her dressing sense is so classy, and she is so beautiful.

"Hello, You must be Evelyn , right?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'm Evelyn. May I know your good name?" I asked her politely.

"Aren't you going to invite me?" She asked.

"Oh! sorry, I completely forgot. Please come inside and get yourself comfortable. "

We sat on the sofa, and she introduced herself,

"I'm Selena Robinson, Sebastien's mother. I have heard a lot about you from my son."

Why is Sebastien's mother here? What does Sebastien tell her? Did he send her?

My mind was filled with questions, and the only person who could answer me was the person sitting in front of me.

"Ma'am you should have called me if you wanted to meet. What would you like to have tea or coffee?"
I asked her.

"Dear, just call me Selena. Some green tea would be fine."

I went and prepared some green tea and served some home baked cookies.

"These cookies are delicious. From where did you buy the cookie dough?" She asked while taking bite of the cookie.

" I'm glad you liked it, I've prepared the dough myself. I can bake you more cookies if you want." I said.

"That's so sweet of you, dear. I came here to talk about you and Sebastien. "

My body stiffened at her statement.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"See, Evelyn, I know the things going on between you. My son is suffering without you. " She said.

"But I can't make Emily suffer. She was in his life before me. She was there for him in his thick and thin. How can I take it all from her." I said.

"But would you want her to be in a loveless marriage. Evelyn, even though the one-sided love seems to be beautiful for her now but after marriage, she will suffer more. No one will be happy. You, Sebastien, and Emily, all of you will suffer because you won't get the one you love. Even though Sebastien marries Emily for the sake of this arrangement, he won't love her."

"But may be he will love her after marriage." I said.

"I know my son better than he knows himself. The reason why we got this arrangement was to make him move on from Bella after he lost her. We also hoped that with time, they would fall with each other and have a happy married life. But for the last 4 years, even after numerous efforts by Emily and me, he didn't feel anything for her." She said.

"Neither for me. He may have a liking towards me, but he doesn't love me. He said he didn't love me." I told her.

"He does. He just can't see his feelings. He is fighting with his own feelings because he thinks that if he accepts his love for him, then Bella would be replaced fro. his heart. He loves you so much, Evelyn. He just didn't realise that you are not replacing Bella but creating your own space in his heart." She said.

"To be very honest, I love him a lot, but ever since we met, everything is a mess." I said with a sad smile.

"Ever since Bella left, I never saw my son genuinely smiling until he met you. You are thinking about Emily's pain, but what about my son. He lost his first love forever. He suffered a lot of pain due to her death. Doesn't he deserve to be happy now? I don't want him to lose his love again." She said with teary eyes.

I am feeling so guilty now. Even after knowing how much he suffered, I chose to make him suffer even more. I remember the day when he was crying hard in front of her cemetery.

"I'm such a bad person, I made him suffer." I started to sob, and she hugged me to comfort me.

"Dear, both of you need to sort out your feelings and choose the best for yourself. Don't make yourself suffer for other's happiness. Sebastien is also going to talk to Emily to clear out things with him. I also don't want Emily to suffer in all this mess, so it's better to clear things to her." She told me.

After Selena left, I called Sana to tell her about all this. She also advised me the same. I think I should give us a chance. But I need to talk to Emily first.

I dialed her number, and when she picked, she outbursted,

"Why are you calling me now? Just to check if I'm alive or dead."

"What's wrong, Emily ? Why are you talking like that?" I asked.

"Don't act innocent, Evelyn. You have finally shown your true colors. You backstabbed me. You got Sebastien around your fingers. Are you happy now after spoiling my relationship and getting between us." Her voice was hoarse. May be she cried.

"Emily, that's not how it is. When I fell for him, I didn't even know that he had a fiance. He doesn't love, I don't want you to suffer in this loveless marriage. I tried to maintain distance from him and get you guys closer, but nothing worked. " I said.

"Oh shut up, Evelyn. Don't try to fool me. You are a selfish bitch. I hate you. Even when you have a boyfriend, you still have your eyes on my man." She accused.

"I'm not in a relationship anymore, and I haven't talked to Sebastien about it yet. I don't know what happened between you both today, but I was not involved in it. You are my friend Emily. I want you to be happy with a person who loves you." I said.

"Stop lecturing me. You are not my friend anymore. Just stay away from me." She cried out and cut the call.

I lost a friend. Am I really being selfish?

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