Chapter 7

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Sebastien's POV

I didn't even realise when our lips met, then thought of Bella emerged in my head, and I pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise. " I said while trying to avoid eye contact. She was still lying on top of me, all flustered.

I don't know what's about her that make me forget everything whenever she is around me. She makes me feel things like Bella used to so. No one beside Bella have ever had such an effect on me. I need to maintain my distance from her. I can't let this happen again.

My trail of thought was broken when her phone startedringing. She quickly set up and picked up the call.

"Hello, who is it?" she asked. I couldn't hear the response of the other person, but the discomfort on her face could tell me something was definitely off.

"Why do you keep calling me? Just stop it. I don't want your nonsense anymore. " she yelled and disconnected.

"What happened? Who was it? Are you fine?" I asked her.

"It's nothing, sir. You don't have to worry about it. " She tried to avoid telling me.

"Just tell me, Evelyn. If someone is troubling you, then tell me I'll help you deal with it. You live alone in this city, so you need to be careful about people around you, and if something is off, then deal with it, don't avoid it." I said. I'm genuinely concerned about her, no matter if we are not on good terms, but I'm concerned about her safety.

"I don't know who that person is. He keeps calling me again and again. I even blocked him, but he used different numbers to call. He is giving me a death threat." She told me, and the last sentence got my attention. I could feel my anger rising at the thought of someone hurting her.

"What? And you didn't even bother to tell me before . I know Evelyn, we are having some issues with each other, but at the end of the day, you are my employee, and it's my responsibility to ensure your safety. If you could have told me, then I would have done something to find that person. " I said.

"I thought he was just someone talking nonsense or it to be some sort of prank, but I didn't expect him to call me again and again. Now I realize that situation is worse than I expected it to be." She said, and I could see fear in her eyes.

I held her hand and said, " No one can lay a finger on you. I will rip him off before he harms you. I won't allow anyone to hurt you." I said angrily, and when I saw a hint of blush on her cheeks, I realized how possessive I was sounding.

I cleared my throat and continued, " Do you have someone you are suspicious about? Who could possibly try to hurt you?"

She shook her head and said, "No, I have no idea about this person. I'm confused. Why would anyone want to hurt me? I don't even recognize his voice, I haven't heard it before. "

"Can you tell me what exactly he said?" I asked.

She said," Wait, all the calls on my phone get recorded. I have set auto recording mode on." She took out her phone and played the recordings of his calls.

I swear I wanted to kill his instantly the way he was threatening Evelyn. She also showed me the parcel he left in front of her. Apparently, I took some pictures of it.
I don't know why I'm behaving this way. I hate her, and I'm acting all possessive about her.

"Forward the recordings to me, and I'll ask my personal investigator to look into this matter . It's late now, so I'll just head home. Good night." I said.

"Good night, sir. Drive safely. " she smiled sweetly.

With that, I left her apartment.

I called my investigator, "Mark, there is a person sending death threats to my secretary. I've sent you the call recordings and also the pictures of the parcel he left for her. Look into this matter, and find out who did it."

"Ok, boss," he replied.

"First, look into the matter of the parcel . Check the CCTV of the building and neighborhood. Find out the person who delivered the parcel. He either delivered it himself or sent someone else. Either way, it would be helpful to us if we find the delivery person. Also, send some of your men to keep an eye on Miss Moore to ensure if she is safe. Keep a close watch ather neighborhood. " I instructed him further and disconnected the call.

Just when I disconnected his call, my phone started ringing again. It was Emily.

"Hello, Sebastien engagement date is near. Our parents want us to go shopping for the dress and ring." She said .

"Emily, sorry for being rude, but you know it very well that I'm least interested in this engagement and marriage. I'm doing this for the sake of my parents only.You go and pick whatever dress or ring you like. You can take my credit card." I said and hung up before she try to request for me to accompany her.

'Bella, my love. My heart only belongs to you. No matter if it's Emily or Evelyn, no one can replace you. I need to keep myself away from Evelyn before I get fond of her.' I thought to myself.

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