Chapter 22

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Evelyn's POV

The next morning, I woke up in my bed with a terrible headache. The incident from last night played in my head. Me and Sebastien were all over each other . We were making out with each other in that private booth. I was feeling so horny because of the amount of alcohol I had. I surely had a wild imagination about him while I was drunk because there is no hell of that to be true.

I felt the other side of the bed was heavy. I turned my head and found a sleeping figure covered under the blanket. Sana must have slept over last night because we were so drunk.

I got off from bed and did my morning routine. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for us. My doorbell rang, and I went to open it. My eyes widened to see the person at the door.


I was shocked to see Sana at the door. She was supposed to be in my bed right now. I left her sleeping there. How come she is at the door?

"What the hell, Evelyn. I'm not going to club with you again. You always leave me behind. Last time you left me and went with Sebastien. Yesterday, too, you left me alone."

She complained as she walked inside the house.

"Sana, how did you get in through the door?" I asked her

"Then, from where am I supposed to get in? Are you expecting me to jump through your window or something?" She arched her brow.

"You were in my bed. And now you appeared in front of the door."

She looked at me as if I'm having some mental illness.

"Are you in your right mind? I was never in your bed."
She said.

"Then who is in my bed?" I asked with horrified expression.

"What? Someone is in your bed. Don't tell me you get laid after drinking just like you did last time."

Both of us marched to my bedroom and saw the sleeping figure. Sana removed the cover from that person, and my eyes widened in horror. Sebastien was lying in my bed half naked.

Me and Sana exchanged glances with each other as her action woke him up. He was looking at us with annoyed expressions.

"I wanted to sleep more." He growned while rubbing his eyes.

"I think I should leave now. I'll stop by some other time."
With that, Sana left me alone with Sebastien.

No way, was that all real. I thought it was all my imagination, but I guess everything that happened in that booth was real. I don't remember anything after that. How did we get here in my bed?

"Sebastien, why are you here?" I asked in a low voice.

"Because you brought me here." He said as if it's very normal thing.

"I was drunk. You should have stopped me instead of coming here sleeping with me." I said, and my face and ears were red as tomato.

"As if I didn't try to stop you. Anyway, you don't have to overthink. Nothing happened between us. We didn't have sex if you were wondering about it. I was just sleeping next to you because you didn't let go of me . You were clingy like a 2 year old toddler. I was shirtless because I was feeling hot and I couldn't sleep with a shirt on."

I hid my face in embarrassment when he called me toddler.

"I'm sorry for what I did last night. I was just drunk."
I told him.

"You don't have to be sorry. I didn't mind it, though. You can do it again if you want." He said in a seductive tone and winked at me.

My face became more red at his statement. I ran into the bathroom and hid my face in embarrassment. I was blushing so hard. My facs was so hot.

By the time I came back into the room, Sebastien was gone. I felt sad that he had left .

Now that I have realised the situation, I feel terrible. I shouldn't have done it. I literally cheated on my boyfriend. I'm being such a terrible person.

I called Theodore immediately, and he picked at the second ring,

"Good morning, sweetheart. "He said sweetly.

"Theodore, I need to talk to you about something important. " I told him.

"Tell me. I'm listening. " He replied.

"Not on call. Can we meet?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll just come and pick you up. We can go to the nearby cafe and grab our breakfast while talking. " He suggested .

"Perfect." I said.

After half an hour, he was there in front of my door. He took me to cafe Golden. As I entered the cafe, the memories of my first meeting with Sebastien were flashing in front of me.

We sat on a table and ordered our coffees and some croissants and pastries

"So, what you wanted to talk about." He asked while take a bite of his croissant.

"Let's break up."

He almost choked at my words.

"What are you talking about, baby? Did I make some mistakes?" He asked.

"No, you didn't, but I did. I don't deserve you, Theodore. " I said sadly.

"What are you talking about, baby?" He asked.

"Theodore, it's not working. I'm not feeling anything for you. On the other hands I can't let go of my feelings for Sebastien. I'm in a mess, and I don't want you to suffer with me. You don't deserve someone who doesn't even love you." I told him.

"You love Sebastien?" He asked.

"Yes, I do. Even though I'm trying to let go of my feelings for him but I can't keep you waiting and make you suffer. I'm sorry but I can't love you back. We surely had a connection in the past, but it's not working anymore. " I said.

"I won't force things on you. If you want to end this, then I won't act all selfish and try to stop you. Your happiness matters to me. If you are not happy in this relationship, then let's end this. But we can still be friends, right?" He asked.

"Of course. Once again, I'm really sorry about this, Theodore. I hope you find true love in your life."

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