Chapter 13

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3rd Person's Pov

Sebastien was waiting in his car outside Evelyn's house. They were going out for a movie, then amusement park. After Bella's death, his life was colorless. He became so cold. But after his last visit at her cemetery with Evelyn, he decided to be happy and live his to the fullest.

He honked, and Evelyn ran out and got into the car.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," she said .

"What took you so long, young lady?" He asked her while helping her to fasten her seat belt.

"I was having a hard time choosing the outfit," she said with a pout.

"But why did you get the tickets for a horror movie? Let's watch Marvels or some romantic movie, she suggested.

"Why? Don't tell me you are afraid of horror films," he smirked at her.

She folded her hands over her chest and tried to act brave," No, I'm not afraid of horror films. I was just concerned about you. I don't want you to get scared and scream during the movie. It will be embarrassing for you."

"Okay, if I get scared, then be my savior and hold me tight," he said, and she nodded, keeping a brave expression . He was trying his best to suppress his laughter at her little act of bravery.

They got to the theater, and the movie started. Sebastien felt Evelyn holding his hand, and he looked at her.

"You can hold my hand, Seb, then you won't feel scared," she said and tried to hide her fear. Her words made him chuckle.

As the story was getting scary, Evelyn was moving closer to Sebastien, clinging on him but still embarrassed to accept her fear. He knew that she wanted to hug him and hide herself in his embrace, but she didn't want to admit that she was scared.

"Evelyn, can you hug me. I'm feeling scared," he whispered to her.

Her eyes lit up at his statement. She felt like she had just gotten a life jacket to prevent herself from drowning.

"Sure, as I told you, I'll be your savior," she said and snuggled into him.

When there was a scary jumb, she screamed on top of her lungs, and Sebastien couldn't contain his laugh anymore.

After the movie ended, Sebastien teased her throughout the ride to amusement park. Evelyn was pouting and whining like a toddler.

"Which ride do you wanna go first?" he asked her.

"Let's try tornado," she said after thinking for a while.

"Let's try something more scary like a twister or roller coaster," he suggested.

"Nopes," she refused, and he smirked at you.

"Are you scared of these rides too, just the horror movie?" he teased her.

"No, I'm not. And you were the scared one during the movie. You asked for a hug," she fired back.

"Eve, both of us know very well that who was the scared one. I asked for the hug because I knew you wanted to do that as you were scared," Sebastien said, and Evelyn didn't have words to come back with.

"Fine, let's go on roller coaster," she agreed, and both of them got on the roller coaster.

"Oh my God! Stopppppp! I'm going to die. Stop it. " She screamed during the ride while holding Sebastien's hand, and he was laughing at her funny expressions.

"I'm never going on that ever again," she said when the ride finally stopped.

"What next?" he asked her.

"Let's go on carousel," she said with pleading eyes.

"What are you? A five year old?" he asked her.

"Please," she said, and he let her go .

While she was on the carousel, he was just looking at her and admiring her from far. She was smiling and waving at her.

'She indeed is a five year old by heart. She is so cute." he thought.

"Did you enjoy your ride?" he asked as she came back.

"Yes, you should have joined me," she said excitedly.

"No, I'm just fine without it. Let's go on giant wheel now." he said, and they went there.

As they were riding the giant wheel, Evelyn was looking outside at the beautiful view from that height. When her eyes met with Sebastien's, she just lost in them.
They closed the gap between them, and their lips met.
It was a slow yet passionate kiss. It was not because of need but pure affection. Evelyn's fingers were running in his hair and his hands caressing her waist. They completely melted into that kiss.

They broke the kiss when they became breathless.

"What are you doing to me, Evelyn ?" he asked breathlessly, causing her to blush. As the ride came to the halt, she ran away from him, feeling shy. He chuckled at her behavior.

"Let's go and get some ice cream," he said and held her hand while walking.

They were busy enjoying their ice cream , and they didn't notice a pair of eyes on them. They were laughing and smiling while sharing their ice creams with each other, looking like a sweet couple . Seeing their sweet moments, someone was burning with jealousy.

"I want some cotton candy," Evelyn said, and Sebastien went to buy her cotton candy.

He came back holding the cotton candy and smiling brightly at her, but his smile vanished when his eyes fell on the person standing behind Evelyn.

"What are you doing here, Emily?" he asked.

"I should be the one asking you that, Sebastien. What are you doing here? That, too, with this girl," Emily eyed Evelyn as she continued to speak.

"When I asked you to join me shopping, you refused me. Ring and dress shopping for our engagement was not important for you, but hanging out with her is important." she lashed out.

"You are overreacting, Emily," he said coldly.

"Overreacting? How do you expect me to react seeing my fiance being all lovey dovey with someone else." she narrowed her eyes at him.

Evelyn was shocked at the word "fiance.

"Is she your fiance?" Evelyn asked Sebastien.

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