Chapter 26

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Sebastien's POV

"Sebastien "
She screamed, and I felt a push on my chest. I fell back and I saw her body collide with a car . There was blood everywhere.

"Evelyn," I called her name loudly.

I crawled towards her body. She was not moving. I was so scared.

"Evelyn, wake up. Please. " I said as I laid her head in my lap. She was not moving to say something. Tears were flowing like a stream from my eyes.

I carried her in my arms and put her on the backseat of my car. As I was about to leave, Sana reached there.

"Sebastien, why do you have blood on your hands and clothes. Are you hurt?" She asked as her eyes scanned my blood-stained clothes.

"No, Evelyn is hurt." I said.

"What? What happened to Eve?" She asked, and her eyes landed on Evelyn's laying on the backseat.

She quickly opened the car door and reached to Evelyn. She sat in the car and laid Evelyn's head on her lap.

"What happened to her, Sebastien?" She asked.

"She met with an accident while saving me." I sobbed while driving.

"Oh my god! drive fast, Sebastien. She is bleeding too much." She panicked.

"I've called the hospital to make arrangements for the emergency operation. " I told her.

We rushed her to the hospital. Doctor and nurses were waiting for us with a stretcher as per instructions.

"Doctor, just save her anyhow. " I said to the doctor.

"We'll try our best, Mr Robinson. The patients have lost too much blood. We need to do blood transfusion. She got a severe wound on her head. We need to take her in the emergency ward now. " he told me

"What is her blood type?" one of the nurses asked.

"She is O positive. " Sana replied.

"But currently, that blood is not available in the blood bank. We need someone who can give her blood." He said.

"I have the same blood, doctor. I'll give my blood to her." Sana said.

"Okay, you go with me , I need to check a few things to make sure your blood will be suitable for this blood transfusion. " she told her.

"Thank you, Sana." I said.

"You don't have to thank me, Sebastien. She is my best friend. I'll do whatever it takes to save her." She said.

It took hours to treat her, and the blood transfusion was done. Mom and dad also arrived as soon as they heard about this news.

"How is she?" Mom asked as she hugged me.

"Mom, she was bleeding so much. I'm scared, mom. I don't want her to leave like Bella." I sobbed.

"Be strong, son. She will be fine." She comforted me.

We waited for the doctor to give us the update. As soon as the doctor came out, I rushed to him.

"How is she?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Mr Robinson she is out of danger now." He said, and we all sighed with relief.

"But there is an issue."

"What issue, doctor?" Mom panicked.

"Because of the head injury, the patient had fallen into the state of coma. So, we are not sure when will she wakeup." He said.

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