Chapter 27

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Sebastien's POV

"Boss, we have catched that man. What should we do now? Should we hand him over to the cops or do you want to deal with him yourself first?" Mark asked over the call.

I smirked," Let's show him what are the consequences of messing with Sebastien Robinson's woman. Don't give him to cops yet, Let's teach him a lesson first. "

I drove to the address given by Mark. There, he was tied to a chair, and my anger rose at the sight of him . I punched him hard on his jaw.

"You filthy piece of shit, how dare to hurt my woman. How dare you ." I growled as I continued to beat the shit out of him. Mark and his men didn't interfere. That's good because I wouldn't tolerate any interruption.
I untied him and pushed him on the floor. I kicked him in ribs and abdomen several times. I was ready to kill him with my bare hands.

"Your woman? Evelyn is my woman ." He scoffed shamelessly.

"Don't you dare to call her name from your filthy mouth. She is not yours. You never deserved her, you were busy fucking around with other girls behind her back and now you won't get her back ever. Understand. " I growled.

"I'm not scared of you, Sebastien. You have no idea what I'm capable of. " He chuckled.

" You are capable of nothing. You are just a coward who was threatening a woman. You are a spineless man who cheated on his girlfriend. " I said out loud.

"I just wanted to have a little fun but that bitch made a big issue out of nothing. She insulted me in front of everyone. She even exposed that I was a drug addict and I was expelled from the university. How could I let her live peacefully. " He said.

"So, you wanted to kill her for that? They were all your mistakes, and you wanted to kill her." I snapped.

"That bitch doesn't deserve to live, when I got to know that she lost her memory I thought about taking advantage of that situation and get her back. I was ready to spare her life if she became mine, but she chose you over me. I'm sure she must be whoring around with you that's why she didn't wanted to leave you." He said and I lost control when he said demeaning words for her.

I was strangling him, and Mark tried to stop me.

"He will die, boss. You don't have to get his dirty blood on your hands." Mark said.

I let go of his neck, " Get him out of my sight, Mark, or else I'll kill him. Take him to the cops and make sure he rots in jail for the rest of his life."

I punched him for the last time before leaving.

When I got back to the hospital, Sana was already on her feet as soon as she saw me.

"Have you taught him a lesson?" She asked.

"Yeah, I have broken his bones. He must have been arrested by now. I won't let him walk out of this mess that easily. I'm going to make him regret messing up with Evelyn. " I said.

"I've called her parents. They must be on the way. Her mother was crying so badly." Sana said.

"Don't know how I'm going to face them. I want to spend the rest of my life with Evelyn, but how would they trust me with their daughter's safety when I already failed to save their daughter." I said.

"Stop blaming yourself, Sebastien. It's not your fault."
She said.

"I can't help, Sana. My heaet aches every time I see Evelyn lying on that bed. I wish she wouldn't have come to save me. I wish I would have been the one lying on that bed. I don't want my Evelyn to suffer all that pain." I stated.

"Just be strong, Sebastien. You have to stay strong for Evelyn. You should stay by her side and talk to her. May be she can hear you. Maybe she will wake up after hearing you." She said.

I went to meet the doctor, " Doctor, I want to take her home."

"Mr Robinson, I'm sorry, but she still needs medical support. " He stated.

"Doctor, we can create an ICU like arrangement in her room as well as I'll take two nurses with me for her." I suggested.

" If you can make ICU facilities for her at home, then you can take her home. But you need to take care of her well. I will also pay a regular visit to check on her." He said.

"Thank you, doctor. " I shook hands with him.

I asked Samuel to make ICU arrangements for Evelyn in a room at my home. As she lives alone at her place then it would be better to take her my home, I can personally take care of her there.

I told Sana about the arrangements, and she sent my address to Evelyn's parents.

Mom arrived with her bags,

"Mom, are you moving in?" I asked.

"Yes, son. I'm going to stay here until Evelyn wakes up. I'll help you in taking care of her. " She said.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about it. I can manage on my own. Also, I have nurses and maids to help me with it." I told her.

"But son, I want to help. She saved my son, and I can't just see her like this. " She said.

"Mom, just relax. Me, Sana, and everyone are already here to take care of here. Even her parents are coming soon. If you will shift here with us, then who would take care of dad at home. He needs you more." I said.

"Okay, fine . I can't win against you. At least let me stay until her parents come. I want to meet them." She requested.

"I'm not trying to chase you out of here, mom. You can stay until they come. You don't need my permission for that. It's your home too. I was just asking you not to move in just because you and dad need each other . I don't want to leave that old man alone." I chuckled.

She hit my shoulder, " You brat, whom are you calling old man." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Mom, I was just teasing you. You and dad are not old. You are young by heart . You are beautiful ,mom." I smiled at her.

"Where is my daughter?" A middle-aged woman asked as she entered the door with a man of her age following her behind.

"Uncle-Aunt, don't panic. Our Eve is out of danger now." Sana said as she hugged the woman.
I guess they are Evelyn's parents.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Moore. I'm Sebastien Robinson." I introduced myself.
Mr Moore shook hands with me, " I'm James Moore, and this is my wife Ravenna. Please call me James."

"Yes, I prefer Ravenna rather than Mrs Moore. Drop the formalities. " her mother said.

Mom hugged Evelyn's mother, "I'm Selena, Sebastien's mother."

"I want to see my daughter." Ravenna said.

I guided her parents towards the ICU room. Both of them were in tears when they saw Evelyn's motionless body.

"Eve, look, mom is here. Open your eyes. " Ravenna cried as she held Evelyn's hand.

"James, tell her to talk to me. Why is she not looking at me? She must be mad at me that I haven't visited her since she moved out. Tell her to talk to me." Ravenna was a crying mess by now. James was trying to comfort her. I couldn't watch it anymore. It's heartbreaking to see her parents crying like this.
I left them alone with their daughter.

After a while, James came to me and asked, "Who did this?"

"Her ex-boyfriend, Theodore. " I told him.

"Theodore?" Ravenna asked with shock.


"He's back." James mumbled to himself.
Both her parents were pale after hearing his name.

"Is there something about him that I should be aware of?" I asked.

Both of them exchange glances.
"Nothing. " James said quickly, and they left me there.

I have a gut feeling that they are hiding something.

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