Chapter 5

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Third Person's Pov 

"Your work starts from today, Miss Moore. " Sebastien said.

"Today? But I'm not even in my formals today. I just came to ask you to give me a last chance. Can I start work from tomorrow?" Evelyn asked.

"Either do the work from today, or you can just leave. Never show up again." Sebastien said.

Evelyn panicked at his words.

"No, sir. Don't fire me again. I'll start the work today." Evelyn said.

"Good, now report at my cabin within 5 minutes." He said and started walking towards the lift. And Evelyn was following him behind. As she was about to enter the elevator, Sebastien stopped her.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked.

"You asked me to report at your cabin. So I'm coming with you." She replied. 

"I never asked you to follow me. Use the stairs." He said. And her eyes widened. 

"What? Why do I have to use stairs when you are using an elevator?" She asked.

"Do as you are asked to do, Miss Moore. " he pressed the elevator button, and Evelyn was left alone.

She ran through the stairs up to the 10th floor and reached there panting hard. She went inside his cabin, and Sebastien smirked at her state.

"Why are you panting so hard, Miss Moore? Does something happen?" He teased her, and she glared at him.

"Nothing, sir. I'm totally fine." She replied sarcastically. 

" That's good. Now take all those files, and I want a summary of each and every file by the end of the day. You are not going home until you do it." He said.

Evelyn looked at the huge pile of files and gulped. She carried all those files to her table and started working. Sebastien, on the other hand, was troubling her again and again by calling her in his cabin every hour, asking for a coffee. He didn't even want to drink the coffee, but he was doing all that just to irritate

"Miss Moore, I'm going out. You need to accompany me. " Sebastien said to

"But, sir, I've lots of files left to summarize. If I'll go out, then I won't be able to complete the files on time." She replied. 

"You are not to decide that. I'm not asking you but telling you. It's your work to follow my oders. You can complete the files later, and now follow me." He ordered her.

Evelyn followed him around, and she was about to sit in the car. He stopped her.

"You are not coming in my car. Get yourself a taxi and reach the location I sent you." He said and left her there .

She got a taxi and went to the location he sent her. It was a grand shopping mall. Sebastien was waiting for her outside the mall.


For hours, he was walking around the mall, trying different clothes, shoes, and watches. Evelyn was holding the shopping bags. She was tired of following him behind throughout the mall. And Sebastien was enjoying to irritate .

After hours, they went back to the office. Evelyn resumed her work. Even after office hours were over, she was still working on the files as she was not allowed to leave before finishing it.


It was already past midnight by the time she finished. She went to his cabin and put the summarized report on his table. 

"It's late. Tell me your address.  I'll drop you home." He said.

"No, it's fine. I can go on my own." She said. 

"It's not safe to go alone at this hour." He said.

"Whole day you were acting like a jerk, and now you are trying to be a gentleman. " she mumbled angrily. 

"Did you say something?" He arched his brows at her.

"Nothing, sir," she said.

Sebastien dropped Evelyn at her house later. Evelyn was so tired and frustrated after working her ass off. She drifted to sleep .

Her phone started to ring and she woke up and saw it's an unknown number. She looked at the clock. It was 3am, and she was puzzled that who would call at this hour.


She picked up the call and put the phone on her ear and said, "Hello, who is it?" 

"I'm your death, Evelyn. " the other person said.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" She shouted .

"Be aware, you never know if you'll be dead in the next moment. " he said.

"Who the hell are you?" She snapped. 

"You'll find out soon. Start counting days. You won't live long." He said and laughed like a maniac. 

"Whoever you are, I'm not scared of you. A coward like you who doesn't even dare to reveal his identity, you think I'll be scared of a coward. So, just shut up." She said.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll meet soon. I won't make you wait too long, my girl. " he said.

"JUST SHUT THE HELL UP ." She shouted and threw the phone at the wall in frustration. 

'I've to find out soon. Who is this guy. I'm not scared of him, and I'll make him regret messing up with me.' She thought to herself.  

Then her doorbell rang and when she opened the door there was no one. When she was about to go back her eyes fell on a box in front of her door. She picked up the box and brought it inside.

She opened the box and her eyes widened in horror, and she gasped. Inside the box was a broken doll and lots of blood. There was a letter too. She opened the letter and started reading.

'This is a small gift for you, sweetheart. As I promised I'll see you soon, my doll. Did u see the doll inside the box? You'll end up like this doll, too.'

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