Chapter 4

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Sebastien's POV 

"Seb, how long do I have to wait?" Bella asked over the call.

"Just a few more minutes, honey. I'll be there soon." I replied. 

We are on a cruise party and I'm planning to propose to her here. She has no idea about this plan. My best friend Emily is helping me with the preparations. I want everything to be perfect. I can already imagine Bella's surprised face. She will definitely end up crying with joy. My girl is very sensitive. 

"Emily, I'm so nervous. What if she says no? Will she like this ring? Or should I change it?" I asked Emily while showing her the ring. 

I'm so damn nervous now. She is the love of my life, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together. I know Bella loves me, too. But still, this moment is so special that I can't help feeling nervous. 

"Don't worry, Seb, Bella will definitely say yes. And the ring is so gorgeous and perfectly suits her taste. There is no way for her not to like the ring. Don't be so nervous, man." Emily said while squeezing my shoulder a little. 

"Do one thing, you go out and stay with Bella for a while. I don't want her to walk in before everything is done. And if we'll try to stop her, then she will have doubts that something is going on." I told her.

Emily left the room, and I continued with the decorations. The whole room was filled with rose petals, candles, and fairy lights. I'm doing it all within the room. Only me and her would be here. Bella doesn't like extravagant things, so I'm trying to make it as simple as I can.

Finally everything is done, now all I need to do is to bring her here. I looked at the decorations for the last time, my face lit up at the sight of it.

When I reached there, I saw a huge crowd. I have a bad feeling about this. God knows what happened here. I heard people whispering about some accident. 

I saw Emily crying, holding the railing. I looked around to find Bella, but I couldn't see her. I held Emily's shoulders with both my hands.

"What happened, Emily? Why are you crying? Where is Bella?" I asked her, hoping my fear did not come true. I want my Bella to be safe.

She hugged me and started crying even louder. 

"She fell down, Seb. When I came here, I saw someone push her down. I failed to save her, Seb. " she said in a cracked voice. 


She died in Sebastien. Bella died. You are left alone here. You are alone.

I can't see anything around me. It's all dark. These voices will make me deaf. God, please stop this. My Bella can't die. 

I started screaming out loud. Bella was going far away from me, and I was running behind her, screaming her name. 

"Stop, Bella. Don't go." I screamed out loud.










My eyes opened, and I found myself in my bed.


My body is covered with sweat, and my breathing is fast. My heart is racing at a fast pace.

It was all a dream. After 4 years, I had this dream again. Why now? Maybe the guilt about sleeping with another woman yesterday is killing me inside. How did I lose control? Why? I was cursing myself for that.

I looked at the nightstand and took Bella's picture frame from there.

"Bella, I'm sorry, my love. I know what I did yesterday was wrong. I got carried away. I felt like I was with you. For a second, I completely forgot the presence of another woman. I thought as if you were there in my arms. Please forgive me for giving your place to someone else. " I apologised to my deceased lover.

My phone started to ring, it's the receptionist. 

"Hello," I said as I picked the call.

"Good morning, sir. Miss Moore is here, I asked her to go away, but she is insisting to see you. " she informed me. 

"Throw her out. I don't want to see her." I snapped. 

I need to take a shower and get ready for the office now. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. As I turned on the shower, cold water ran down my body. After the shower, I wrapped the towel around myself and brushed my teeth.

I went through my closet and chose the outfit of the day. After having breakfast, I drove to the office. 

As I parked my car, a woman was coming towards me. It's her again. Why can't she just leave me alone?

"Miss Moore, I'm not in the mood for this right now. Please leave." I said with a bored expression .

"You can't just fire me like this. You are mixing up professional matters with private matters. " she said.


"Well, this is my place so I can do anything I want. I'm not answerable to you, Miss Moore. " I mocked her.

"At least just give me a chance to prove myself. You can fire me if you find me incompetent and unfit for the job." She said with puppy eyes.

'Wait a minute, Sebastien. You are being such a fool to fire her like that. It would be more fun to hire her and torture her. Make her life hell so that she regrets messing up with you.' I thought to myself 

I smirked at her and said, " Ok, Miss Moore. If you are insisting that much, I'll give you a chance. If you don't match the requirements of the job, then I'll fire you."

"Ok, sir. I'll try my best. Thank you for giving me this chance. " She said.

Just wait and watch Miss Moore. You'll resign on your own.

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