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January 25th, 2023.
Location: Tampa, Florida — Renee's house.
Time: 7:30 pm.
POV: Renee

Word Count: 1017


I finallyyyy just got Kimora down for her nap, the shi ain't easy whatsoever. Usually once i finally get her down and she's about to go to bed she has to go pee, go figure. Let's just say the shi was wayyy easier when Joshua was here to help me.

I walk back downstairs and decide to watch a movie since i had off tomorrow and definitely had no plans at all.

When i sit on the couch nd grab the remote i decide to watch "A Haunted House."

I'm like a good 27 minutes in when my phone started ringing, it was Trinity facetiming me.


T: "Heyy boo, what you doin?"

R: "Nun..jus watching a movie, wassup?"

T: "Soo Jayla's birthday is tomorrow and her parties gonna be at Urban Air, you bringing Kimora or wha?"

R: "Mmm...ion know.."

T: "Girl why?"

R: "From how Joshua reacted when i went to the family reunion i think the think not."

T: *Rolls eyes* "Fuck what Josh gotta say Renee!"

J: "Ouu you on the phone w Renee? Let me talk ta ha!" I hear Jonathan say in the background before he jumped on the bed next to Trin and stuck his big ass head in the camera.

R: *laughs* "Wassup Jon."

J: "Hey girl, ain talk to yo ass in a hot ass minute huh?"

R: "Nopee, blame ya brother."

J: "Don't worry i already did."

It goes quiet for a little bit.

J: "I'm really sorry for the way he treats you Renee, like deadass. He got no right talking to you like how he does and acting towards you like that."

R: "Youn gotta apologize, long as he in Mora life i really don't care how he treat me."

T: "That's not the way to be thinking Renee! he gotta respect you too shi..he was the one who fucked up not you." She says and Jon nods.

J: "Exactly wha Trin said."

T: "You coming to the party or nah? i know the kids would loveee to see Mora more."

R: *sighs* "Yea Trin i guess."

J: "Good, we gon see yo ass tomorrow. And let me know if Joshua try sumn, ill beat his ass."

R: *laughs a little* "Aight, aight."

T & J: "Byeee!"

R: "Byeee!"


"Moraaa!" I yell from downstairs. "Baby come eat breakfast , and put yo toys away before you come down here actually!"

A few minutes later she comes running down the stairs and sits down at the table where i already have her food and drink set down for her. I sit down beside her and we both eat.

"After you done eating mommy gon give you a bath alright ? we goin ta yo cousin birthday party today."

She nods and continues eating her food, once we both finish i take her upstairs and of course give her a bath, wash her hair then after i get her dressed and do her hair.

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