2.9K 94 22

February 3rd, 2023.
Location: Tampa, Florida - Renee's house.
Time: 10:45 pm.
POV: Renee.

Word Count: 911

A/N: Did i jus change my pfp and username again? yes. 😪


"Man what the fuck?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

I reach over for my phone that was ringing beside me, trying my best not to wake Kimora who's laying on my chest right now.

Through blurry eyes i look at the caller ID and see it's Joshua, only thing going through my mind right now is "why the hell this nigga calling me this late?"

Of course i answer , he never calls me so i know something must be wrong.


R: "What the fuck Joshua?" I whisper yell, still trying not to wake Kimora.

J: "I need you ta come bail me out."

R: "Bail you out?"

J: *smacks teeth* "Mane i'm in jail."

R: "What the hell you did?"

J: "I got arrested for a DUI."

R: "Why you call me to come get you? Nigga you got brothers, cousins, ya mom nd ya dad."

J: "Ian wanna wake em."

R: *smacks teeth* "So you decide to wake me up."

J: "Exactly."

R: "I- how much?"

J: "500 dollars."

R: "500 dollars!? Joshua ion got that kind of money to jus be getting niggas out of jail-"

J: "Look i'll pay you back igh? Jus come get me."

R: "..Igh..what jail?"

He tells me and i get up, put Kimora down on the bed next to me gently trying not to wake her. I quickly throw sum on and grab my keys off of my tv stand but then i realize something.

 I quickly throw sum on and grab my keys off of my tv stand but then i realize something

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R: "Josh.."

J: "Hm?"

R: "What am i gonna do w Kimora? i cant jus leave her here."

J: "Uhh..bring her with?"

R: "Joshua i am not bringing my baby to no damn police station!"

J: "She won't know what's happening— shi she still gon be knocked out."

R: "No— i'll jus call Destiny , she prolly up still."

J: "Aight, hurry up n get here."

R: "Don't rush me."

i hang up and call Destiny right away and it's not surprising that she answered almost right away.

D: "Girl why the hell you up so late?"

R: "Trust i'll tell you all about it in the morning..you doing anything right now?"

D: "Jus stalking Joe's ig.."

R: "Bitch— Can you come over right now and watch Mora?"

D: "Yea, i'll be there in bout 5 minutes."

R: "Des..you live 15 minutes away.."

D: "Girl please, you know i be doing 65 in the 30."

R: "Ok then."

I hang up and then sit back down next to Kimora, 5 minutes later, just like she said she was here knocking on my door.

"She's upstairs in my room sleeping igh?" I say grabbing my purse and walking out the door.

"Aight." Destiny says as i shut the door and run up to my car.

I quickly get into the passenger seat and turn on the car.

"Man why the hell he even- You know what imma save that for later."

About 10 minutes later i pull up to the police station, i get out my car and walk in then i paid the money, about 2 minutes later they come back out with Joshua. He was clearly drunk, that's the thing that stuck out the most to me. He was wearing a black gap hoodie, his chain , black jeans and some forces. From what i saw he had his grillz in but i coulda jus been tripping.

 From what i saw he had his grillz in but i coulda jus been tripping

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"Aight let's go." I say walking with him back to the car.

As we walked through the parking lot he walked behind me, jus as we were about to make it to the car i felt him put his hands on my hips and pull me closer.

"Thank you mama." He says lowly in my ear, i could smell the liquor on his breath.

"Uhm..your welcome?" I say moving my hands down to his wrists and pushing him off of me.

He smacks his teeth and opens the passenger seat, getting in as i get in the drivers seat.

The drive home was pretty silent, he was on his phone the whole time texting somebody and well i was driving.


I look over at Renee, noticing how she's tryna look away from me and she seems annoyed. I decide to be a little bold, so i put my hand on her inner thigh, tryna get her attention.

Now all i know is, this definitely ain't sum i would do, it's the liquor.

She doesn't do anything, she just keeps driving. I look at Renee w a grin, kinda waiting to see if she gon give me a reaction at all. I'm pretty drunk, so i don't even care if she gets mad. Shii i don't ever care if she gets mad, she looks 10x sexier when she mad, so i'm kinda hoping to piss her off a little.

I run my hand up and down her inner thigh, eventually i got a little tiny reaction outta her, she squeezed her thighs together— that's how i knew she was fuckin w it.

I grip her inner thigh and that's when she finally did something. We pulled up into my driveway and she picked my hand up and pushed it away. She didn't even take a glance at me as i got out the car and walked inside.

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