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February 25th, 2026.
Location: Tampa, Florida.
Time: 12:30 pm.
POV: Renee.



As i was watching tv in my living room, laying on the couch i felt a bit of discomfort. Recently at my last doctors appointment for the babies the doctor told me that i could pop at any moment since i was already dilated and that's when Joshua decided to take some time off of work since he didn't want me to go into labor while i was in the house alone and he was on the road.

When i went to go turn on my other side that's when i felt it—my water had finally broke, but it was crazy because at the same time it really felt like nothing. I had just felt my pants get wet. Ironically i was wearing some grey leggings on top of that too, so it was definitely visible.

If anything i was more shocked than anything, my jaw dropped actually. I wasn't scared or anything, well i was definitely nervous, when i was in labor with Kimora the contractions were absolutely horrible.

"JOSSHHH.." I yell, my voice a little shaky from how shocked i was that this happened out of nowhere.

"WASSUP BABY?" He yells back from upstairs.


It was a couple seconds before Joshua had rushed downstairs by me, he instantly noticed of course and i could tell he was starting to panic.

"Oh shit- Uh stay right there imma go get the hospital bag and yo jacket-" He talked fast before rushing upstairs.

He quickly rushed back down the stairs with the hospital bag and some slides for me along with a hoodie. Joshua helped me up and helped me do everything else and he even brought me a change of pants but i wasn't having it, this was all too much already and i been ready to pop these babies out.

Joshua walked me out to the car and everything, opening the passenger seat and helping me inside before rushing over to the drivers seat and hopping in, the way he zoomed off i had to hold on tight.


Once we made it to the hospital they quickly put me onto the birth and labor floor and had me in a room immediately, the nurses and doctors didn't want to risk anything seeming how dilated i already was.

I had changed into the gown and everything, the pain didn't start until a little minute of us being in there seeming that i only felt pressure the whole time.

"Just breathe and relax baby.." Joshua said softly, rubbing my hand waiting for the arrival of the twins.

It also seemed that Joshua was a lot more relaxed now that i was in the hospital and experienced people around me to make sure me and the babies were okay, but shit i hated him in this moment—these contractions hurt like hell and i wouldn't have to be going through any of this, like i told myself i wouldn't , if it wasn't for his ass not being able to pull out!

As this pain only did nothing but intensify i gripped his hand really tight, its the least his ass could do—shit he body slams niggas for a living he could handle it.

Was allat fucking really worth all this pain? maybe.

Another thing i knew was the wedding would have to get pushed back, there's no way in hell i would be getting married 2 weeks from now, no ma'am. I'll talk to Joshua about that after the fact.

But it was time i could finally get the epidural, thank the lord! That also meant i would be pushing soon which i couldn't wait for, i couldn't wait to meet my little babies but i really couldn't wait to get them the hell out of me.


The doctors are all running around and Renee's pain had seemed really intense. I'm here with her, not leaving her side, but damn i feel so useless right now. I keep telling her that everything will be okay, But i just hope these doctors know what the hell they doing up in here.

"This is all your fault, you know that right." Renee groaned, looking up at me as she squeezed my hand.

I roll my eyes and laugh a little. "Well damn- don't put all the blame on me, you was the one throwing that ass back on me still when i told you i was finna c-"

"Whatever." She cut me off and i laugh again.


After what seemed like years of pushing, the first baby came out which had been our son. And may i add that he looked just like his momma? mhm, now that's what im talking about. Joshua had his lil mini me and now i do too, thank you very much.

All the while i was pushing i was also dying laughing, Joshua ass was about to pass out watching this all.

But yet we still had my daughter up in there, it took only about 4 more pushes and there she was.

When the nurse put both of my babies on my chest i smiled so hard, i never knew how much i wanted more kids until now and i love them so so so much.

When the nurse put both of my babies on my chest i smiled so hard, i never knew how much i wanted more kids until now and i love them so so so much

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"So what are their names?" The nurse asks me as she brings them back to me from washing them up.

"Jordyn and Ja'Kari Fatu." I smiled as she gave them to me.

"Awww, cute!"

Once me and Joshua both decided it was time for me to get some rest he took the babies and i couldn't help but to stay up and watch, it was so cute my heart was meltinggg.


The next day after giving birth the doctors ran some tests on my babies before letting us go home and we did exactly that. Once home Mama Fatu came over with Kimora since Kimora had been with her since i went into labor and they both met the babies while they were there, let's just say Kimora loved her new siblings.

After Jordyn and Ja'Kari were fed, changed and asleep me and Joshua sat on our bed, this is when i needed to have the talk with him about the wedding.

"Baby." I say softly, looking at him.

"Wassup?" He looks at me, somehow his gaze sends shivers down my spine.

"About the wedding- I feel we should push it back some yknow?"

"I feel you, how about...April?" He smiles.

"Perfect." I return the smile and reach over to hug him.



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