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April 15th, 2026.
Location: Tampa, Florida.
Time: 2:30 pm.
POV: Renee.

Word Count: 1266


"You ready for this?" Destiny asks, moving my hair out of my face as i look in the mirror.

I couldn't even get my words out, feeling my eyes start to fill with tears. I've been waiting for this day forever, it's actually happening now. It's not just no dream now, no fantasy..this shit is real.

"You better not start crying girl, we is not doing that makeup all over again!" Trinity jokes coming up behind the two of us.

I was so grateful to have all my friends here with me today, they helped me get ready for my special moment and i must say they did a great job.

Destiny rubbed my back as i kept looking in the mirror, i know i shouldn't be on the verge of tears but i never thought me and Joshua would make it this far. I pray that he's actually changed his ways this time around, i don't wanna get married then have to go through the divorce process, i don't wanna go through that heartbreak again, i don't wanna have to go through Kimora asking me where daddy was every night before bed, asking me when he was gonna be home.

I needed to pull it together. deep breaths. Everything's gonna be fine, it's all gonna be okay.

Just then Jade walks in the door, closing it behind her. She looked absolutely beautiful in the dress i chose for the bridesmaids, the color making her skin quite literally pop.

"People are taking their seats now." She smiles walking up to Destiny, Trinity & I.

Then here came the gut wrenching feeling once again. I was a good 15 minutes away from walking down that aisle then marrying Jey Uso. This is crazy. Just like that those "What If" thoughts started piling in my head. "What if he doesn't wanna get married?" , "What if he realizes he could do better?" the list goes on..

"You look beautiful Renee.." Trinity compliments softly, i smile.

"Thank you, yknow i love yall for real." I look up at the three.

"Awhh girl we love you too!" Destiny smiles as we all hug.

"You about to be Mrs Fatu now Renee..how you feeling?" Jade leans against the little table there was.

"Nervous." I reply quickly.

Lord knew nervous wasn't even the word, i was literally shaking.

"Don't be, it'll be okay." Trinity reassures.

"You weren't nervous at all when you were about to marry Jon? Like you didn't have any of these thoughts..nothing?"

"Thoughts?" Trinity raises a brow.

"Like..maybe he's gonna change his mind or something, like he's really running game.."

"I did, but i realized that none of that was true Renee. Look, trust me when i say this okay?" Trinity grabs my hands as i stand up, we were now standing face to face as we held each other's hands. "Joshua loves you so much, all i ever hear that man talk about is you. He cannot get enough of you! The way he looks at you and you look at him, anybody can tell you two are in love with each other. And them little babies yall got together? he adores the hell out of them. Look, all i'm saying is the first time around he might've fucked up, this time he's actually willing to do right, get married and make this thing official!"

I smile at Trinity, i definitely needed some reassurance at the moment. And she was right, he wouldn't be doing all of this for no reason. Joshua loved me.

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