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March 26th , 2023 - PART TWO
Location: Tampa, Florida - The Hospital.
Time: 10:30 pm
POV: Renee.

Word Count: 949


Ive been in this damn emergency room with Joshua for about 30 minutes now, Ironically we're at the same hospital i work at. I could jus be doing this shi myself, they taking so fuckin long.

Finally this damn doctor came back into the room w his results.

"Well hello there Mr and Mrs Fatu."

Me and Joshua look at each other like "this nigga is crazy."

"Uhm— No..this isn't my husband. Anyways wassup what's going on?"

"Im sorry, anyways Mr Fatu your arm is broken. Buttt you could get a surgery that could help you recover sooner. You interested?"

I look down at Joshua who's sitting on the hospital bed, visibly thinking if he should or shouldn't.

"Y-" Joshua started but i cut him off.

"Hold on..this not making no sense to me..how his arm jus broke? like jus like that?"

"Well from we seen it seems like his arms been kinda weak for a while now, so when we took that move it finally jus snapped."

"Boy- Why the hell was you still wrestling?" I say popping him .

"Ay- Chill..it's not that serious."

I roll my eyes and look that the doctor again. "So after the surgery is he good to be by himself? Like can he do anything for himself orrr.."

"Damn you acting like my momm-" He tries to say but i hit him again.

"Aight damn— my fault." He said taking his free arm and rubbing the back of his head.

"Uhm anyways so he could do some things for himself but it's best if he has someone around him to help him. Do you two live together?"


"Well..i think it's best to figure something out then. Anymore questions before i let you two go?"

"With the surgery how long you think i'm gon be out?" Josh says looking up at the man.

"It's hard to say right now."

Josh smacks his teeth. "Aight, come on Renee."

He slides himself off the bed and i grab my keys so we can go, i literally couldn't wait to get out of this bitch i hate the smell of hospitals..weird since i work here.

We get into the car after Joshua schedules his surgery, it's a pretty quiet car ride home for the most part.

"Joshua." I say softly , looking over at him during a red light.

"Hm?" He stops looking at the ground and looks up at me, our eyes finding each other.

"What are you gonna do?"

"What you mean mama?"

"Like...you not finna be good on yo own Josh, we both heard it. Whatchu finna do?"

"Ion know.."

I dont say anything and just get back to driving.

"You finna move in w me for the time being." I finally say after about 5 minutes.


"Nuh uh im not hearing it."

"Girl i'm on be good."

"Nah Joshua, jus think about it— matter fact ain't nun for you to think about cause we finna go get yo shi now, but that's besides the point. You gon be with Kimora the whole time you off of work, you'll at least have someone there to help you when i'm not up at the hospital, I literally got a guest bedroom that don't nobody sleep in anyways, Joshua trust me on this aight?"

"....Igh mama."

I smile and pull up to his house.

"Aight what you all need?" I say unbuckling my seat belt.

"Shi uhhh...."

"You kno wha- Nevermind, imma jus go grab yo essentials. Gimmie yo keys."

"See i kinda like—"


"They like right here and i cant grab em."

"You have a whole other arm Joshua." I smack my teeth.


"Aight mane whatever." I get back in the car and reach into his pants pocket to grab his keys out.

I walk up to his front door and open it then go inside his house of course , i make my way upstairs to his room and just grab a bunch of clothes since we don't really know how long he's gonna be out for, i grab his toothbrush, toothpaste , some of his hair products , i decide to grab his ps5 cause lord know this man gon be bored when nobody there. I grab his phone charger and jus to be nice i go downstairs to his fridge and grab him a water out.

"Damn what else do this nigga need?"

I run back upstairs to his room and grab a couple of his hats, some of his jewelry and then i make my way to all of his colognes.

"Mmm do he really need this?"

I sit there and think for a second.

"Yea, cause this nigga not gon be stinking my damn house up."

I grab like 3 bottles of cologne then grab his deodorant and i finally feel like i got everything he need.

I make my way back down the stairs and to the car and put his bags in the backseat.

"Alright..we gotta go get Mora from yo brother house then i guess we going home."

"Igh then.."

We go get Kimora from Jon and Trinitys house then we make our way home, Kimora was over tired so i went and took her ass upstairs while Josh jus was chilling in the living room watching TV. After i finally got her to bed i went back downstairs and started bringing all of Joshua's things up into my guest room, once i was finally done i took my ass to bed.

Damn , the hell i jus got myself into.

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