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April 15th, 2023. - TUESDAY.
Location: Tampa, Florida.
Time: 2:30 pm.
POV: Renee
(kinda a big time skip, my fault.)

Word Count: 643


I finalllyyyy just got home from work, it was a long ass day. Joshua recently just got out of surgery yesterday and he's doing well, the doctors say he's gonna be able to make his comeback in about a month or two if he's consistent with training.

When i got home i got in the shower cause man my patients was driving me crazy today, even had me running round.

Kimora's been really happy with the move, i've said this plenty of times before, she loves her daddy.

As i walk down the stairs i see Kimora drawing all over Joshuas face w a damn blue marker. I can't help but to laugh at it though.

"Mora!" I whisper yell, holding my laugh back.

As soon as she turns around she drops the marker and runs away, i jus shake my head and walk up to Joshua.

I sit beside him, he was wearing his chain , his rings, some grey sweatpants , i could definitely see his print and he was knocked the hell outt.

I just observe him, i see some new tats on him that ian even know he got. He had got 2 palm trees on his side, one with Kimora's name in it and the other just a normal one.

"Mommyyyy!" Kimora says quietly running up to me.


"Can you get me some McDonalds? I'm hungrryyy."

"Girl- yo daddy ain't feed you?"


I smack my teeth and get up. "Aight."

I walk up and slide my black tasman uggs on the jus put on a jean jacket, i grab my keys off the kitchen counter and i realized that if my baby didn't eat then Joshua didn't eat either.

So of course i walk back up to Joshua who was knocked the hell out and poke him, he didn't wake up so i shook him and still, nothing.

"JOSHUA!" I yell and he jumps up.

"Damn girl- I was sleeping good."

"I see, what you want from McDonalds?"


"Nevermind jus text it to me, n go wash yo damn face." I say walking away.

"What you mean wash my face?"

"You'll see!" I yell as i walk out the door.


About 20 minutes later i'm finally back with the food , Josh and Kimora aren't downstairs so i know they probably either in the backyard or upstairs— Most likely upstairs.

I open up Kimora's room door to see her playing with her baby alive and i just gon head and put her happy meal next to her then walk out, Now Joshua couldn't be nowhere but the guest room.

I walk into the guest room to see him laying down in bed, he was sleeping again but i guess her heard me walk in cause he woke up.

"Here." I say handing him the bag as he sits up, licking his lips.

"Thank you ma."

"Mhm, how yo arm feelin?" I say stepping a little closer to him, bending down by him so now we're face to face.

"It's Aight, a lil sore."

"Awwwhhh, poor babyyy."

I take his face in both of my hands before kissing his cheek, knowing it'll get him started. I mean don't get me wrong, i'm not tryna fuck w this nigga again..it's jus fun teasing him.

Just as i'm about to walk away he says grabs my waist with his free hand and pulls me back.

"Wassup Josh?"

"Nun, i jus want you here w me."



"Mmm...maybe later, oh nd everybody coming over tomorrow for you so." I say finally walking away.

I hear him smack his teeth as i close the door, i just laugh to myself a little before going into Kimora's room.

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