26 ⚠️

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July 15th, 2023 - WEDNESDAY.
Location: Tampa, Florida. - Renee and Joshua's House.
Time: 9:45 pm.
POV: Renee.

Word Count: 2121
⚠️: Smut !

*Sigh* Here we go again yall...another loss for Jey. Anywho.

We lighting Drew on fire! He can stick that sword right up his ass 🥰.


"I love you mama..."

I stopped dead in my tracks and just stood there trying to process what he said. What?

Dont get me wrong i love him too- I never just expected him to say that, never in a million years would i think i would hear him ever say that to me again.

"I- Hold on- What?" I finally spit out, turning around and looking at him.

"I love you."

I go quiet again, okay...now i definitely know that's what he said. Shit had to be a dream, my ass had to be knocked out and nothing that happened at all today was real.

"You look like you lost or sum.." Joshua spoke softly, and i definitely did feel lost.

"I'm tryna process what you just sai-"

"What? That I love you?" He repeated himself for the 3rd time now in a more cocky tone, ou he so lucky ion feel like bussin him in his shit.

I give him a look and he knows to shut up, Okay now that's the 3rd damn time he's said it.. what the hell.

"Anyway, let me gon get my ass in bed. I'm tired as a mf." Joshua said now standing up.

Just as he was about to walk out of my bedroom door i said something.

"I love you too Joshua.."

Seeming that he stopped now too, just like i did before i knew that he was happy to hear that. He turned around with a big ass smile on his face, I returned the smile and then he took my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

Noww..allat talk i was doing earlier when the party started, i was still standing on that. Trust me i was ready to show this man exactly just how much i loved him, and that's exactly what im about to do right now.

I tugged down on his beard and pulled him in for just about the most sloppiest damn kiss ever, still had some passion behind it but whew. Now let me just say this, When Joshua's ready...he's ready.

He ain't take no time picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as we stood there kissing in the hallway.

Eventually Joshua started walking us into his bedroom. When we got to his room door he kicked the door open and when we got inside this nigga literally threw me on the bed.

I collected myself and sat up as i watched him take his shirt off right in front of me.. Boy was it a sight to see.

As i watched i looked him up and down..his tattoos was looking realll good.

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