5. No pain, No gain

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"A cortado and a ristretto, please." Caleb orders as I admire him from afar.

We've been bumping into this cafe for a while now and at this point I don't find it coincidental.

We've been keeping each other updated through social media. Our bond has become stronger than it was a month ago when we first met.

I never had REAL friends since high-school. Sharing my life with someone feels surreal now.

"What are you thinking, Ms. Caddel?" Caleb asks as he sits on the chair opposite to mine.

"About how we met in the most cliche manner." I smile and he beams back.

"You mean in a cafe?"

"Yeah, like it seems like a blind date to me." My gaze trails down to his accusingly.

He raises his hands up defending, "Not planned by me."

I let out a laugh and he joins along.

"So how's your work going?" He asks as we wait for the coffees.

"Uhmmm, I guess it's going well." I give out a convincing smile which he seems to accept.

My phone rings at the right moment.

Talk about perfect timing.

I excuse myself and pull out my phone. I go to the extreme corner so that no one eavesdrops my conversation.

"How are you, honey ?" A woman speaks.

"Cut the chase Cassandra and tell me what's next." I speak curtly.

"I want to meet you, in person. We haven't had a mother-daughter conversation in a while."

"I'm not falling for this again."

Cassandra sighs on the other side.
"He wishes to meet you."

"Oh, so he suddenly wishes to meet me?" I scoff.

"It's not my fault that he asks for you."

I'm busy at the moment. I'll connect with you and then we can schedule next." I reply.

"What are you busy with? That guy you met in the café?" She accuses.

"That's NONE of your business. " I snap back.

"Once he gets this information,  he'll be dead in no second."

"Send me the time and location." I hang up.

I return to the seat. Caleb eyes me expectantly.


"You seem distressed. " He sips the coffee which seems to have come while I was on the call.

"It's my mother. She wants to meet." I cut it short.

"So why not visit?"

"We don't particularly have a good relationship. " I take a sip.

"I see. "

And with that, we continue a casual conversation.


"What is it , Mr. Albrecht?" I barge straight into his office.

"Alice! When was the last time we met ?" He smiles but it is more annoying to me than his unnecessary question.

"When you kidnapped my DAD." I answer to which I earn a scoff from him.

"He's not your father, my sweet child."

"And I'm not 'your sweet child' either."

I can see that I'm getting on his nerves. I always do.

"You need to spy on this guy named Aiden Harper." He finally stops beating around the bush.

"Anymore information that might help me?" I interview.

"The only heir of the Harper business. Find everything about him. He lives a secret life and no one has seen his face, heard his voice or met him ever in his life. He is supposed to inherit the business next year. Collect any information that would help." He completes.

"You want a controversy?" I raise my brow.

I earn a side-eyed look from him as if I'm asking something obvious.

"Let me rephrase, you NEED a controversy so that he loses his inheritance to you?"

"Yes. Now get on your work." He turns his attention to the laptop on his desk.

"Nothing gets done without payment. " I quote.

"You'll meet him after this job is done."

And so I hack into the life of Aiden Harper.


I am BACK !!!

Future me: *sighs* I'm left to review my mistakes.....


Future me: I don't get paid enough for this.


Future me: *hangs up*

So..... Aiden Harper is gonna be an interesting plot line. Don't miss out !!

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now