22. Reflection

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"Look who we have here?" Elijah comments as he enters his reception area.

"I've completed my part, now it's your turn to fulfill your end of the deal." I dart back with the most hate I've ever felt for anyone.

"Oh yeah ofcourse." He claps twice and a man enters. "Bring him in." He orders but his gaze never leaves mine.

"ADIRA!!!" My dad shouts across the room and I run to hug him.

This is the most closure I'm going to get. This feeling strikes me hard.

"Promise me that once your father is free, you'll escape and never go to the dark side of the world. I want you to stay in the sunshine, where I can watch over you." He smiles.

He even smiled at his death.

And suddenly I cannot hold my tears back. I cry in my father's arms, not caring about anyone watching.

"Hey hey, my child." Dad pats my head affectionately and I suddenly feel homesick.

Because Caleb was my home.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm so sorry. It all happened because of me. I shouldn't ha-"

"Don't blame yourself. Whatever you did was the best solution at that instant, and I know this because I know you." He interrupts me and I sob more.

He doesn't even know I killed my love.

"Can we get a private moment?" I wipe my tears and glare at Elijah.

"25 minutes before I return back from some work."

Work being torturing someone.

"How have you being, sweetheart?" My father wipes the remaining tears from my cheeks.

"How have you being, dad? Are you hurt? Did he torture you? If that psychopath ever lands his hands on you, I'll kill him for good."

"Since when have you started to speak this way ? I DID NOT raise you like that." Dad scolds me back.

"He brings out the worst in me." I sob.

"I am alive and healthy, that's all you need to know. What matters more to me is how did he treat you ?" He smiles and I am a child again.

"Nothing is right, dad." I sit down and he hugs me sideways, comforting me.

"Elijah killed mom." I cry more.

"He'll have to pay for it. You don't have to blame yourself. The police will do their tasks." Dad reassures me.

When I don't reply, he asks further,"There's more, right? Tell me and be at peace. "

I explain everything about Caleb. From our first meet up, to our friendship and dating life, everything.

"And Elijah made me kill him." I complete.

"What??!!" Suddenly dad's hand is no longer on my back for support.

"I had to do it. If I didn't kill him, Elijah would have tortured him ruthlessly."

I reach out for him but he pushes my hand away.

"I DID NOT raise you like that, Adira. I taught you love and compassion. Don't be in the illusion that I'll forgive you for this terrible act. Blaming it on Elijah won't reduce your burden." For the first time, he yells at me.

"But dad-"

"I don't think I'm your dad anymore. Few months with your biological father and you decided to follow his path. Maybe Cassandra was right. You were never MY daughter...."

"DON'T!!! I did it for you, Dad. Be in my shoes and try to understand. I could have lost everything if I would have lost you." I snap back.

"Adira, if you had to leave me to die, I would have NEVER blamed you. I would have been proud that you declined this offer. But the thought that you killed an innocent person to save ME will haunt me every day. That someone had to lose their life for me to survive. I'm not heartless." He pauses.

" I'll be reminded each day that you had to kill someone you love, for me to survive. That will kill me each day slowly until I end up with huge self-guilt." He justifies.

And for the first time, I reflect upon my actions.

"He loved you, Adira. And I believe I've taught you that love is the most precious thing in the world. And what did you return back to him? You just backstabbed him. He willingly died in your arms. That's the highest level of love : Sacrifice. So you don't get to cry over his loss. Because you didn't lose him, he lost you. The you he fell in love with, the you he hoped would chose him over anyone else. Because he chose you over his life. So you don't get to cry. Even if you had left me to die, I would have been satisfied by the thought that you escaped Elijah's orbit and are atleast living a happy life. But you killed your happiness."

"I will avenge Caleb's death, dad." I wipe my tears.

"An eye for an eye and suddenly the whole world goes blind. Revenge was never an option. The fact that you wish revenge more than punishment is what proves my statement: You are no longer my Adira, you have become Elijah's Alice." And with that he hurries to the door but I come in between and stop him.

"Please, dad. I'm sorry. I did what was best at the moment. I loved him, dearly. But I could not chose him over you. You have raised me and you've given me everything I could ever wish for. You are my everything. You were there for me when no one else was. You are the reason for everything I've achieved in my life--"

"And sadly, I haven't raised you right. Your sorry isn't going to bring him back. Give me some time to analyse and calm down. You know I cannot leave my child alone for long, don't you?" He wipes the remnants of tears off my cheeks.

"Ah! What an emotional sequence between a father-daughter. I hope I haven't interrupted anything." Elijah enters the room.

"I am leaving with her. I don't wish to see your face, ever again." Dad spits out and reaches out to hold my hand.

"Not so fast......" Elijah stands in between us and stares at my dad.

"That was our deal, in return of Aiden's death, you'll grant us freedom." I object.

"I believe you misunderstood a part of it. I agreed to give him freedom, not you. Never you."

Song:Book of You and I (Alec Benjamin)

Drammaaaaaaa !!!!!

Future me: Yeah but the emotional aspect of this chapter OOOWWFFF.

I made it that way, hehe. I wanted the readers to know that Caleb's death affected Adira just as much as to all of us.

Future me: And she got her fair end of scolding by her father. Nice touch.

WOAHHH!! Since WHEN did you start complimenting me ??!!

Future me: You DO realise that I'm a very appreciative person. Good work deserves praise. Especially *leans in and whispers* if I did it.

*with teary eyes* Thank you.

Future me: Don't get used to it. *pat pat*

*sniffs* Stay tuned guys.....

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now