20. How to kill ......

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"Here, take this umbrella in case it rains."


Ring. Ring. Beep.

Halfway through our search for some fodder, our kiss is interrupted by the call. I excuse myself and answer it.

"We got the results, ma'am. " The guy at the other end begins immediately.

"But weren't they supposed to come tomorrow?" I ask as calmly as I can, considering my heartbeat is erotic.

"We wrapped up when we connected the dots." He answers.

"But I'm on a leave today. I'll check them when I come tomorrow. " I hang up the call.

So much for a happy day.

"Anything important?" Caleb asks as he resumes our search, we have already collected some wood and hay but we need a bit more.

"Call from work. They completed a task and are calling me to inform." I reply nonchalantly.


After a good 7 minutes, another call ensues.

"Ahhhhhh." I scream in annoyance before picking it up.

"Aiden Harper lives in Vermedict with a fake name." This time, the voice is hoarse and I know it belongs to Elijah.

"And I need you to kill him to free your father." He continues.


"Your leave is over. If you don't kill the guy by tonight, I will kill your dad." He threatens.

"Who is he?"

"Funnily, a guy you already know."

"I already know?" I furrow my brows.

"Yes. He goes by the name-"

The next line turns my world upside down.

Caleb Ledger

Just when I glance at Caleb, I see him on a call aswell.

Even he is staring me in disbelief.

I hang before any more response.

He does so too.

"Guess cat's out of the bag." He approaches me and I do the same till we reach some safe distance between ourself.

Too much for camping.

"So this is how our trip ends?" He says calmly but I can feel his trembling.

"This is how one of us ends." I spit out.

"No one has to die, Alice." He defensively stretchs his arms in front of him.

He knows I'm Alice. He called me Alice, not his princess, not Adira.

"I HAVE to kill you so that my dad is safe." I sniff.

"What does this have to do with Elijah?" He asks but now his voice seems different.

His voice is no longer warm to my heart.

"Not Elijah. My REAL dad."

"You aren't his biological daughter?" I notice a glint of hope in his eyes.

"I am." And the hope vanishes. "But I was raised by my mother's husband, the man I truly call my dad." I explain.

"Can we not talk it out? Just let the words speak more than actions for once?" A tear falls off his cheek and it breaks my heart.

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now