16. Mini reunion

9 3 4

"I've not yet received the progress report about Aiden Harper." Elijah lights up his cigarette.

"We're examining the guestlist. If Aiden Harper did come in the event, either his name was not written or he came up with a fake name."

"And how's that going?" Elijah glares at me and both of our grey eyes clash with each other.

"We're analysing each of the guest and finding all their information required. It'll take time though." I say but my gaze never flickers.

"And how long would it take?"

"There were over 5000 guests that night and if we include the staff, it would bypass 7000. Examining them would take a long time."

"And THAT is what we don't have !" He shouts from across the room making me flinch.

"As much as I can recall, the business wouldn't be passed down till until 9 months. We'll find the solution before that, I can assure you. "

"I don't need your assurance. Tell me HOW. LONG. WILL. IT. TAKE?" He emphasizes each word.

"Probably 3 months." I suck in a breath and hold it in till he replies back.

I hear some glass crashing on the floor and it doesn't take a genius to figure that he deliberately threw something in anger.

"You better get it down within that period. A single day more and you won't even see your father's dead body." He grits out and dismisses me with a hand gesture.

I nod and retreat back to my chambers.


A whistle catches my attention at 3 A.M.

I don't take much time to climb down my balcony without getting recorded in the CCTV.

At a distance, I find Cassandra playing with her dark brown hood. In this outfit, no one would guess she is a fashion lover.

"You could pass for a beggar." I smirk as I approach her.

"Don't worry. I've brought the exact for you. We both can be a mother-daughter pair." She smiles and helps me in my cloak.

When she's done with her work, she gives me a tight hug and then releases me.

"What was that for?" I ask silently.

"For all the years I missed watching you grow." She gives me a warm smile. "Now let's hurry before we get caught."

I follow her to the main building. We hide behind the bushes most of the time and silently pass by most of the guards. We make sure we are out of sight from the CCTVs.

We get inside from one of the backdoors of the kitchen. Cassandra holds my hand when we almost walk in front of the guard, her motherly instincts taking control.

Motherly instincts. She's my MOTHER.

Then she takes me to an abandoned area of the tower which is basically the art museum. She pins her gaze to a particular painting at a corner and approaches. I follow like an obedient child.

I'm her daughter.

She pulls the painting a little and puts a pass-code inside the frame. The wall behind the painting moves slightly and that is all I need to see the stairs leading downstairs.

To the basement where my father is captured.

"Isn't there a camera nearby ?" I whisper as we begin our journey downstairs.

"Sweetie, Elijah isn't dumb to record what inhumane things he does in this basement. He has practically killed and tortured every single one here. And even the art gallery above doesn't have a CCTV so that in case someone raids the mansion, they will never figure out about the basement." She whispers back.

I nod and continue walking down the stairs. Once we reach the bottom, she instructs me her plan.

"I'm here." She captures the attention of the guards at the entrance.

"Mrs. Albrecht. " They bow their heads down giving me the perfect opportunity to snuck past them.

The seen I witness inside is horrible. Gruesome.

People are tied inside the cells. Some bleed uncontrollably while others lay lifeless.

I pray that dad is fine.

A single whimper is what it takes for me to realise it belongs to my dad.

"Dad!" I whisper as I come close to the cell.

"Adira?" He looks up and sees me.

The sight I see peaks up my hatred for Elijah.

My dad is locked in the farthest of the basement. Blood trickles down at the side of his lips. He's covered up in dirt and soil. But he isn't hurt anywhere else, or that I assume.

"Dad." I repeat as I fall on the ground beside the cell.

"My child." He comes at the end and now only the bars separate us. He isn't chained up like the others. "What are you doing here ?"

"I met-" I contemplate whether to call her mom or Cassandra.

"Your mother?" He completes on my behalf.

"Yes. My mother." I nod with a smile. "She told me everything. And you loved me despite me not being your chi-"

"You ARE my child. I've raised you. Some DNA doesn't separate us. Don't you dare doubt my love for you as it is immeasurable. " He interrupts.

"I love you dad. And I promise I'll bring you back above as soon as possible. Has Elijah hurt you?" I touch the corner of his lips.

"He wouldn't dare. He's a man of his word. If he promised you I would be fine, he'll ensure that. I'm fed here and this cut is one I got when I tripped down." He rubs the back of my thumb with so much love that I am reminded that he is the most important man in my life.

"I'll complete the task as soon as possible. I'll set you free."

"Don't do anything wrong. I've raised you with morals and follow them. If he's forcing you here because of me and he hurts you in any way, be it physically,  mentally or emotionally, leave. Run away and don't look back. Don't be tied here just because of me . Enjoy your life." He smiles.

"You are my life, dad. You have protected me so many times and now it's my turn to repay you. I'll do anything. I need you."

"But don't be set back cause of me, I-" He is interrupted by a whistle which is my clue to go.

"I'll be back whenever I can. I love you dad."

"I love you too, my child." He kisses the back of my palm and I leave.

I sneak back out just the way I did to come in. Cassandra, my mother, distracts the guards by asking them to follow her as she passes from between them and they turn around giving me the perfect opportunity to escape.

I climb the stairs frantically and as I'm about to reopen the door, it creaks and I push myself on the wall behind it. The door hides me from the new person.

It's Elijah.

I put my hands over my mouth to avoid any gasps. He parades down the steps and I wait. The door is still open even when he has passed it. I look behind it just enough to ensure no one is around.

I escape the room through the door and when I reach the exit of the gallery, I hear something.

I hear Cassandra's screams before a gun shot.

Song: Older (Sasha Alex Sloan)

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(You are OFFICIALLY halfway through the book now. Stay tuned !!)

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