17. Reassurance

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I hear Cassandra's screams before a gun shot.

It doesn't take a genius to decode that she was shot.

I run.

I try my best to keep my tears at bay as I rush past the same hiding places I and Cassandra sneaked in through. When I reach my chambers, I climb back up from the balcony and pack my bags in hurry.

This was not how it was supposed to end.

I pack some clothes, some jewelry and most of the money I have in sight. And then I grab my car keys and leave.

I hear a curse coming from behind the door before it falls open.

"Princess?" Caleb yawns and he tries to adjust with the lights from the streets.

"It's 4 A.M darling. We were going to meet at 9 in the morning anyways. Couldn't you resist my charm for a -" He pauses mid sentence finally looking at me.

And I notice the exact moment realisation hits him.

He puts his hands behind me and gives me a heart wrenching hug.

I shared my last hug with Cassandra.

"Do you want to come inside?" He whispers in my ears.

I gently nod and he leads me inside.

"Are you hurt? Is someone following you? Should I call the medics or the police?" He rubs my back gently as he guides me to his living room.

"None of that." I murmur.

"Let me bring you a glass of water. Make yourself comfortable. " He gives me a reassuring smile and that is all it takes for my to let my controlled tears flow.

In the shortest of time, he has become my comfort space.

"Hey hey. Look at me. I'm here." He rushes to the couch and hands me the glass of water, never letting it go completely as I chug down the whole glass.

"Want some more?" He asks and I nod.

He keeps reassuring me with his voice as he goes back to the kitchen and brings a bottle of water with the glass for me.

"Do you want to talk?" He eyes me expectantly.

I shake my head in a silent 'No'. He nods and we sit in silence but he never let's go hold of my hands as I allow my tears to flow.

Once my sobs turn to whimpers, he gets up and brings a blanket for me.

"I think you should take a shower, it'll help you relax. I'll prepare something for you to eat till then." He does not let his smile fall, knowing his reassurance is comforting me.

I agree. He hands me my bag and as I am about to go, he stops me.

"Do you want to listen to some music? I can play it here and keep it loud enough for you to hear in the bathroom." He suggests.

"But the neighbo-"

"The house at the right is empty and the one in the left won't mind. They sleep like dead horses."

I let out a chuckle and he sighs in relief.
"I'd like that." I say.

The bath surely does help me relax. When I return back, it's about 5 in the morning. Caleb shouts from the dinning area and my feet follow his voice.

"Toast and eggs with some tea. That's all I know to cook." He serves me my dishes like a waiter and bows.

"Thank you." I reply.

"I need my payment." He looks at me mischievously.

I kiss his cheek and he shakes his head.

"Some morning cuddle will pay for this. This cheek kiss was a cheap move to turn me on. Your presence does most of the work." He winks making me laugh.

"But seriously, thank you. For everything ." I sigh. "For allowing me in, For comforting me. For not forcing me to tell you what happened. For silently reassuring me. And for this-" I gesture at the dinning table "self made breakfast. It really means a lot."

"Oh princess." He hugs me gently and I lean into his scent. "Let's get some food into your system first."

He feeds me while taking some bites for himself as well. Once we are done, he asks me to wait on the couch and select some movie while he does the dishes.

Can a guy get better than this?

I'm suddenly struck by the idea that I haven't gifted him the t-shirt I bought with Leif. I go towards my bag and hope that I've brought it here.

Thankfully I have.

When he finally returns to sit beside me, I hold out the small bag for him.

"What's this?" He takes it from my hand and examines it.

"A small token of love and appreciation." I give him the brightest smile I can muster and I earn another sunshine smile.

God this man will be my end.

"Well thank you. Like I always say, love is in small things you do." He kisses my forehead.

He finally opens the bag and smiles with amaze.

"Seriously? Perfectly disguised as an ADULT. That's the best you could come with ?" He scoffs.

"I mean you are a CHILD disguised as an ADULT. I can only imagine how difficult raising children with you is going to be." I roll my eyes.

But this time I don't blame Cassandra.

And I suddenly miss her.

"So you are already imagining our kids?" Caleb wrigles his brows.

"You wish" My voice is barely audible.

"Hey! Do you want to talk? Sometimes sharing a burden helps." He lifts my chin up to look at me.

"I just need your presence. " I press my lips against his and I can feel him being taken aback before he returns my kiss.

It's just as I imagined: sweet, reassuring, filled with love, longing,passion and a tint of lust.


When we break apart, he looks me in the eye, "Thank you for everything, princess. For accepting my proposal, for the thoughtful gift, for not completely shutting yourself off from me, for trusting me and for this kis-" I interrupt him with another long kiss.

Thank you for everything.


*sings* Who is the greenest flag ?

Future me: CALEB! CALEB!

*sings* Who did we kill right now?

Future me: Cassandra.


Future me: You DID NOT have to kill Cassandra. It was unnecessary.

NO!!! It was important to build the bond between Caleb and Adira !!! YOU DO know love at first side is NOT REAL LOVE. They need to bond over something.

Future me: *sobs* When did you grow so mature?




THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now