29. Deeper than the surface

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"Elijah Albrecht."

And that was the moment I realised how much a single name can wreak havoc.

"Do you have any evidence to back that up?" The officer enquires.

"Yes. We do." Leif replies.

"Let us keep it private between the police and you. We don't want any reputation problem involved while dealing with a big name." The officer says as he guides us to the police car.

~At the police station ~

"What were you saying there?" The police interrogates.

"We're backed up by evidence. " Leif answers on my behalf.

"Hand it over then." The officer commands and he does.

"This is the call record of Ms.Adira the night Caleb went missing." Leif adds.

"You mean Mr.Aiden ?" The officer asks.

"I would prefer him to be called Caleb Ledger." He replies politely.

"Alright. Now how does the call logs help us?" The police asks.

"It contains the time when Elijah called Adira. The timing is right when Adira and Caleb separated to search for wood pieces alone." Leif answers.

"What does that imply?"

"That Elijah was confirming that Caleb was alone at the time being." He answers.

"Do you object the statement?" The officer directs the question at me.

"No objection. Infact I can give you the details about the call. The call was recorded automatically. " As soon as I say that, another policeman checks my phone and plays the recording.

"Aiden Harper lives in Vermedict with a fake name."

"And I need you to kill him to free your father."


"Your leave is over. If you don't kill the guy by tonight, I will kill your dad."

"Who is he?"

"Funnily, a guy you already know."

"I already know?"

"Yes. He goes by the name-"

Caleb Ledger

The call ends with that note.

"How can we be sure it's not you?" The officers questions me.

"Because I and Caleb were dating before he.....disappeared." I clear my throat.

"I can vouch that their love was very true. I've witnessed it. And from the recording, you can hear the hesitation in
her voice. She seems scared. Why would she kill the love of her life?" Leif continues.

"And don't you guys need a reason to arrest Elijah anyways?" I ask back.

The police has been trying to arrest him for a while but he doesn't leave any evidence behind for them to capture him.

Now is the best chance they can get.

"This wouldn't suffice in the court." The policeman adds.

"He has held my father hostage." I state.


"In the farmhouse, west side."

After confirming the address, it takes the police around 2 hours to bring back my dad.

"Adira!" My dad rushes to hug me.

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now