28. Plan in action

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"I think we need a plan to defeat Elijah." Leif- or rather Aiden- suggests one fine afternoon.

"I've been thinking about it. But more than that, I'm stuck with...."

"Caleb would want revenge too." He replies.

"I doubt he is the violence type." I comment.

"He wouldn't want revenge for himself, but rather for you. For how Elijah treated you and your family." He answers.

I've told him everything about my life. It was pretty long but he listened patiently.

"But I still vouch to admit my crimes to the police." I say.

"Don't. We can use that to our interest."

"How ?" I ask puzzled.

"We've got two things in our advantage. First, the police is unaware about who killed Caleb."

"I think all the clues lead to me." I add.

"But you were wise to leave mo evidence. The second thing that Elijah believes he has killed Aiden Harper." He emphasizes the last sentence.

And suddenly everything clicks.

"So he will have his guard off. He would think the Harper business has shook because of the loss of the only heir." My brain starts functioning.

"And one more thing you forgot. " He waits for impact but gives in when I don't answer.

"You have disappeared from his mansion. He doesn't know where you are." He completes.

Elijah doesn't know where I am.

And I'm filled with a hurricane of joy at the realisation.

"Wow !! You are quite clever." I instinctively hug him and he hugs back.

"Well I'm Aiden Harper." He smiles in my hair and I can feel it.

After the peak moment dies, we are back to awkwardness as how to let go this hug which seemed to be stuck in between.

He releases me a bit to look at my face.

"You look pretty up close too. Now I can see how hard Caleb fell for you. " He smiles.

Is he leaning in to kiss ?

I abruptly get up. "We should think of a plan using all these three advantages. For him Aiden has died and the Harper business will collapse, I've evaded his mansion and the criminal of Caleb's death is unknown."

"I think I've got a plan." He answers.


"Today we gather here to mourn over the death of Mr.Aiden Harper, the successor of Sir Eugene Harper. The news is devastating to say the least. The investigation has been undergoing for 3 weeks to no avail. He has been termed dead by the investigators. Let us have a moment of silence for this loss." The news reporter goes silent as she says so.

"He was my best friend. We grew up together and his loss is still difficult to digest. Wherever he is, may his soul rest in peace." Leif says on the podium.

"Is it true that his body remains missing?" Another reporter asks.

"Yes. The investigation team tried to collect evidence to declare it a murder but they failed." He answers politely.

"Do you have suspicions?" The reporter insisted.

And now the plan begins.

"Yes. Today on the funeral of my beloved friend who happens to be murdered, I've brought someone who can help him provide justice." Leif adds.

The whole crowd breaks into whispers as they try to guess who it might be.

"Meet Ms.Adira Caddel, my friend and the witness of the murder."

I take that as my cue to stand from the hidden area I was sitting at and walk over to the podium.

The crowd is too stunned to speak as I make my way towards Leif Darnell, the actual Aiden Harper.

He stretches out his hand and I take it as I face the crowd of people shooting me with questions.

"Did you witness the murder ?"

"Why did you not inform the police earlier?"

"Where were you hiding since the investigation?"

"What is your relation with Mr.Aiden Harper?"

"Where did you see it?"

"Did YOU kill him ?"

The last question caught me off guard but I didn't let it show on my face.

"Yes I witnessed the murder." I begin answering the questions.

"Have you given the police your statement ?" Another reporter asks.

"The police will be here soon to take it." Leif answers on my behalf.

And the police makes the entry at the right time.

"We are here to record your statement." The officer says as he reaches me.

"I would like to give it as a public statement. " I direct it partially to the officer and partially to the reporters.

It's a live conference.

"Go on." The officer insists.

"The murderer of Aiden Harper is ....." I pause for impact, looking straight at the cameras.

"Elijah Albrecht. "


The badass entry of Adira I was anticipating from the start is FINALLY here !!!!

Future me: loved it.


Future me: yeah. Karma will bite back Elijah.

Why are you dry texting?

Future me: You'll find out soon.


THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now