24. Hate or longing ?

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"What happened that night ?" The policeman asks me.

"We all went camping on that day. We made our tents and decided to collect some wood and sticks for the campfire. I and Caleb volunteered for it. But after around 30 minutes, we found ourselves getting ...... distracted by each other." I clear my throat.

Then I continue " So we decided to split up and meet again in another half hour. Once I was done, I went to our chosen place but didn't find him. So I tried to go to HIS side of the search but didn't succeed either. Rain had begun by then. I shouted his name but did not get any response. So I hurried to get help. Once I reunited with the group, we collectively searched for him to no avail. We alerted the police by about 6 in the morning who said to report after 24-hour missing person. Hence, we returned back and freshened up. Leif informed me that he reported the case." I complete.

"He did. But we haven't made any progress in the report. You were the last person Caleb met before going missing. We have checked the surveillance around but nothing suspicious took our attention. Do you have any suspects?" The policeman interrogates.

"I do not. If you find a lead, please inform me aswell." I answer.

"We will. What was your relationship with Mr.Caleb Ledger again?" He asks.

"I am his girlfriend. " I notefully use present tense in the sentence.

"I see." The suspicion of the policeman wavers a little at my statement.

"Might I add, I met Mr.Leif Darnell recently and he asked me to rely this message to you. He said that he could not connect to you for last 2 weeks."

"Let me answer that question." Elijah, who was silent throughout the interview enters the conversation.

"She broke her phone while going through a breakdown about Caleb's loss. I offered to buy her a new one but she insisted to stay isolated for a while. Losing a loved one is hard, isn't it?"

"I've met people like this. It surely is difficult. On that note, I would suggest you to meet Mr.Leif today since I've transferred his message. He would be relieved to see you." The policeman suggests.

"I will." I agree.

"We are going to meet him right after we leave this place. Do you need someone to drop you by?" He asks me.

I glance at Elijah before accepting the offer.

The police arrived at the mansion to interrogate me for the missing case. Even though Elijah has a clean record on the normal world, his underworld activities are ignored by police because of no evidences. Hence, he could not deny the police access to meet me and that brings me in this situation.

In the police car.

"Is there anything you need to confess to us, Ms.Adira?" The lady beside me asks politely.

I gulp but don't let my confidence waver. "I suppose not." I smile lightly.

"Feel free with us. Elijah won't harm you here." The policeman who interrogated me asks from the front seat.

"He wouldn't hurt me anywhere. I'm his heir." I recall our last conversation about the heir thing.

I get no response and we stay in silence for the rest of the trip before I leave the car and go towards Leif's house.

I have to admit, I've never imagined Leif's house. It's a small bungalow house like the ones around and blends pretty well but the design is quite modern. It's at the end of the street and quite isolated.

I took him as a social person.

I ring the bell and wait. For one second. Two. Three. Four. Five. Si--

"Who's there?" I hear a voice and the door creakes open.

"Hello." I squeak. He eyes me up and down before moving aside, offering me to enter.

"Actually, the police told me you wanted to meet. I've given them my statement. I'm pretty surprised they didn't drop by early." I try to start a conversation but he doesn't answer.

"Your house is pretty nice. It's quite isolated which I never imagined. It could have been a better place to hang out rather than Caleb's--"

"Tell me what he did to you?" His eyes darken as he looks at me.

But not with betrayal. With hurt.

"Pardon me ?"

"What did Elijah do to you ?" He spits Elijah's name with disgust.

"Why would he do anything?" I scoff.

He rushes across the room and holds my shoulders.

"Were you locked and your phone taken away ?" His tone softens.

It didn't even take him one minute to figure what happened.

"Where have you hidden the camera/microphone?" But my tone remains stiff.

"You caught me." He smirks and leaves his hold of me.

"You are quite clever, Alice. I underestimated you." He continues.

"How do you know I'm Alice?" I ask instead.

"Well, isn't your name Alice ?"

"It is not. I'm Adira. Adira Caddel." I reply sternly.

"But you are know as Alice in the underworld. " He answers his own question.

"And who are you?" I interrogate.

"I work in the same place as Caleb, if that helps you."

"But--" before I can continue, he points at the door indicating me to leave.

"If you aren't willing to tell the truth, I don't want to see your face."

And I take that as my cue to leave.

But before I exit the doorframe, I notice something.

His eyes don't show betrayal. Nor hurt.

It shows longing.


Future me: Seriously? I know where this is going...

You'll be answered in the author's note at the end of the story.

Future me: Fair enough. And by the way, the way Adira KNEW she was being recorded like WOAH. The girl got experience.

That was the trick !! To show that Adira has been through worst hell during her time in the golden cage.

Future me: And the way police casually got Adira into the car to interrogate without Elijah, like DAMNN these people KNOW about Elijah's tactics.

Yup. That's another noteworthy point. And how Adira used PRESENT TENSE showing she RARELY messes up.

Future me: Okay so after Caleb, she COULD be my next favourite character.

I thought it'll be LEIF!!!

Future me: Wait? Are you planning to kill LEIF aswell ?

You wish. HOW will the story run if I kill all the characters??!!

Future me: Okay you got me there.

*whispers secretly* but I can make a new character and then kill Leif to replace him....

Future me: I AM LEAVING !!!


Future me: Pauses


Future me: *rolls eyes and hangs up*

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now