8. Play-date ?

14 3 15

After a week of constant searching, I still couldn't find a lead.

So I stepped up my game.

At 2 AM, I sent two spies into the headquarters of the Harpers. They linked my device to their system and I could get some Intel about them.

But it came with risks. We only have 15 mins before the guard returns from his break.

And we have already spent the 7 minutes to get in.

When I finally am able to get in, I scroll down just enough to get one information.

This could be my lead.


"I hope this is urgent." Elijah enters my cabin.

"Are you invited to the Masquerade party hosted by the Harpers?" I ask immediately.


"When is it?"

"22nd February, as always."

"How long has it been held every year?"

"Why are you interrogating me?" He replies impatiently.

"Just answer me. For how long has this masquerade party being held every year?"

"Fine." He sighs in defeat. "Been almost 8 years I suppose."

"Aiden Harper was born on 22nd February. He went abroad for studies at 16." I smirk with pride.

Elijah gets up from his seat and stares at me.

"So, "I continue "The Masquerade party is the Harper's way of celebrating their son's birthday every year."

"Which means....." He tries to connect the dots.

"That even while he was studying abroad, he visited Vermedict every year during his birthday to attend this party." I finalise.

"But honey, we never attend their parties." Cassandra walks in.

"But we will, this year." Elijah smiles at me.

Cassandra rolls her eyes.

"If you'll excuse us..." She eyes me.

"Yes, Mrs. Albrecht. "

"I'm your mother."

"Not anymore. " I leave immediately.


13th February, I believed, would be a good day to go shopping.


With valentine's day around the corner (literally tomorrow), the couples wouldn't let me be at peace.

They weren't putting their noses in my business but the public display of affection was breaking me inside.

I never had a chance for such an interaction.

It's not that I haven't dated. I have. But it was way back in high school and lasted only 3 months. But we tried being the cool kids and thus this feeling of being wanted was never experienced by me.

I skim through the dresses when my vision lands on this specific masterpiece.

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