11. Birthday ?

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Caleb called me at the ANGEL FOUNDTAIN today, so here I am.

"Over here!!" Someone yells from behind and I turn around to see an excited Leif waving his hand over for me.

"Coming." I join him and Caleb is not far away.

"What is this ruckus about?" I ask Leif.

"It's Caleb's birthday and he rarely celebrates it. So I finally convinced him to celebrate it this year cause he turns 24 now." Leif explains.

"Oh wow. He never told me his birthday except for the month. So who's coming?" I walk side-by-side with Leif.

"Just you, me and him."

I stop on my tracks,"wait, only us?"

"Yeah. He doesn't have much friends. Oh wait, Celia is coming aswell."

"Who's Celia ?" I ask.

"Oh you'll meet her, don't worry. She's a beautiful lady in our group, our once group. She's a chill person and you two will get along well." He pauses.

"She might bring her new boyfriend." He completes.




Celia is an aspiring writer. I've read few of her books and they are incredible. Which is a LOT coming from a critic as myself.

"Hey!" She hugs Leif and then gives me a questioning look.

"Hello. I'm Adira." I offer my hand.

"Celia. And this is my boyfriend Joshua." She shakes my hands.

Joshua as in the SINGER JOSHUA.

"I'm a HUGE fan of both of your works." I practically fangirl over both of them.

I've been following Celia since she started her writing account. With years, I've seen her poetries, quotes, songs and stories. They all meant something for me. It became my home.

"Wow! You guys already have fans." Leif side punches Joshua.

"Well thank you. It feels so good to be around someone who appreciates your work." Joshua smiles.

"I've been following you since your writing account. The old one." I inform

"I mean wow. This whole interaction means a LOT to me. Thank you so much for supporting me all this time!" She hugs me and if I thought I couldn't get any happier, I was wrong.

"If your whole fan meet-up is over, can we head to Caleb?" Leif interjects.

"Sure." And we move towards a small tent in the middle of nowhere.

"Welcome to the party of Caleb Ledger. Your presence is appreciated. " Caleb bows in front of his audience.

"Wouldn't someone come and distrub your 'party'?" I ask him.

"Nah, I've rented the place for the day. Enjoy to your fullest." He grabs a glass of wine and drinks it.

"No way."

No way can he be serious right now. This whole place is very busy at ALL TIMES of the day. I can only imagine the amount of rent he had to pay for all the missing fares.

No way can he be THAT rich.

"Yes way." Joshua joins him in the tent. He's followed by Leif.

"Good to have another female in the group. Now come on in!" Celia links my arm with her and pulls me so that we are all inside this massive tent.

"Tell me, which one of my poetry is your favourite?" Celia asks amongst the bites.

"Letter to my future self." I answer.

I'm still not over the fact that I'm in front of Celia.

"That one sure comes in my top list." She smiles and I can't help but return.

"--and then Kevin threatened me, to which I replied, 'If you were any less threatening, you'd be a dandelion ' and the whole crowd was speechless. Imagine!! I talked back to KEVIN!!" Joshua completes his story of which I only heard the end.

Caleb nodded, "That's very brave, Joshua. You never ever argued with anyone and you coming with such a vicious insult is so unimaginable."

"Nah its not bravery, my man. Its survival instinct. 'Cause if bravery had a face, it certainly wouldn't be of Joshua." He took another shot.

I and Celia broke down to laughter and even Caleb cracks a smile.

"Come on man." Joshua pouts like a child and Caleb rubs his back as an attempt to console the burn Leif made.

"That was a good one." Celia says between the laughter and I agree with the statement.

"Okay enough guys. Let's celebrate my party." Caleb stands and Leif follows.

Soon the cake is cut and we all sing the birthday song (mine is like a dying goat.).

"Well, how do you guys know Caleb?" I ask Joshua.

"He's Celia's cousin. Like it's a far-relation." He answers.

"Surviving the torturing family gatherings together strengthened our bonds. What's the saying? Hardship brings people closer if you share it." She completes poetically.

"That's dramatic." I laugh.

"Yeah. Now tell me how YOU met him?"

"Bumped into a cafe, our vibes matched, hung out more and then became close friends over the course of two months. We meet almost each day, so maybe that's our HARSHIP. " Only Joshua laughs at this attempt to joke.

"Joshua, your wit is a communicable disease, you passed it on to Adira." Leif says.

"Is that good?" Joshua raises a brow trying to understand.

"Because your wit is as sharp as a butter knife." Leif adds.

And I laugh. Terribly.

But from the corner of my eye, I see Caleb staring intently at me.

And I flush.

"Adira, can you spare me a moment?" He whispers to me.


"Do you think we can meet for dinner later tonight?"

Is he asking me out?

"Anything for the birthday boy."

And if he wasn't on the sky earlier, he surely was now.

I accepted a date proposal.


I had these bunch of VICIOUS INSULTS I just wanted to use and you can say I made Joshua up just so Leif could use those insults T-T T-T.

Poor Joshua. So NOW you have practically met all the characters of my stories.

And about Celia. She is ACTUALLY an aspiring poetess I follow and her works, might I add, are PHENOMENAL 🤌🤌

Future me: Yeah she is incredible.

WOAH!! DON'T SCARE ME like that.

Future me: Whatever. By the way, I SAW what you did while choosing the place !!!

*flashback of rapid fire chapter*



THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now