7. Reasons

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"He's fine. I met him yesterday. " Cassandra tells me while rolling her eye.

"But I haven't met him since 4 months !" I reason with her.

"Never raise your voice at me, young lady." She looks up and meets my eyes. But she looks away immediately.

"Complete this Harper case and he'll be freed."

"You said the same during the WENIE case !" I can't help shouting.

"Wenie was a little girl who died mysteriously. She was the daughter of Mr.Stefan and the business needed his support at the moment. By finding the killer, we earned their trust !" Now even Cassandra is yelling.

"But that little girl was killed by her own cousin brother ! How psychotic is that?"

"Because he wished to inherit it. Money is crazy." She rolls her eyes.

"Money isn't crazy, people are." I snap back.

"Good for you, you'll never know the struggles of surviving for money. You were born rich thanks to me." She rolls her eyes. Again.

"I never asked for it. And had I known the reason of your wealthy lifestyle, I would have never enjoyed it."

"So you admit you enjoy it ?"

"Only when the information was incomplete. " I murmur.

My mother is the wife of Elijah Albrecht now. No wait.

Cassandra married Elijah the day she left my father.

I had moved on from her. My father never remarried. He raised me till I was an adult.

18 doesn't feel like 4 years ago.

I mastered software engineering and was about to settle for a job so that I could hold the burden of my father.

Since my parents divorced, our financial condition wasn't much stable. We sold the house and rented an apartment. The luxury life ended with that.

And then one night, burglars broke into the house and took us away.

Brought us to Elijah.

I never knew why he would want to find the long forgotten family of his wife.

But he surprised me more when he offered me work.

I was reluctant, obviously. To which he just laughed and explained how gruesomely he would kill my dad if I refused.

"Acid will be thrown on him. He would beg for mercy as we separate every part of him. We'll sell his organs and then cut him to feed the sha-"

I loved my father dearly. I could never let this happen to him.

And so I agreed to work for Elijah.


*future me absent*

So this chapter was just filling up some plot holes and trying to make it more sensible.
It's a short chapter but the ones upcoming are longer, trust me.

So STAY TUNED for more!!

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now