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It has been 7 months since the police closed the case.

Elijah was declared a fraud but since he couldn't be found, he was added to the WANTED list.

His business collapsed shortly after I submitted the illegal documents I had stored from here and there making his business partners go bankrupt too.

My dad and I moved in our old house, the one where I spent my childhood in. This was possible because Elijah's legal property was passed down to me.

I sold the mansion and the farmhouse. Instead I built a defense institution in that area with his own money.

So that no one has to feel underpowered like I did.

The name of the institute was given after my beloved.

Caleb's Defense Institute

The staff of the mansion was shifted to this academy.

"The only thing I still don't understand is why Elijah, himself came to kill you?" Aiden grabs my attention with his voice.

"Because he didn't want to leave anymore evidence that might lead to me. He could have hidden my body and proved that I killed Caleb. This way he could have peace knowing I won't be back." I answer as I take the cup of coffee in my hand.

"Why did you switch to Cortado?" He asks as he takes his cappuccino.

"Do you know what research says about cortado drinkers ?" I pique his interest.

"Enlighten me."

"Strong, efficient and precise – these are the characteristics of a Cortado drinker. This is the drink of a person who likes rules, likes structure and is not keen on change." I reiterate what Caleb told me once.

"And it was Caleb's favourite. That explains more." He smiles and I do too.

I've come in terms with the fact that Caleb was an important part of my life. Forgetting him would do nothing. But mourning him wouldn't too.

So I recall all the happiness he made me feel.

Because he was my joy.

And the good thing is, Aiden understands it too. So we have mutually accepted our friendship will remain unaffected.

"You are overthinking again." He looks at me with a warning.

"Yup. I remember I promised you I wouldn't overthink. Noted, sire." I chuckle and he joins me.

"Okay I've got this new pickup line."

"Not again." I roll my eyes in annoyance.

I've accepted Cassandra as my mother again.

"Your lips look lonely. Should I help them meet mine?" He winks victoriously and I laugh out loud.

"Okay good one."

"Maybe this last attempt will work on you?" He shrugs.

"Try me." I wipe my happy tears.

"Let's fly to France
The city of Romance
And under the sky full of stars
Maybe you say yes for a dance." He raises his brows anticipating my reply.

"Is this a flashback of the ball night?" I ask.

"Was it good?"

"The best one you have ever come up with."

"So.....does that mean I get a chance?"

"I'm happy staying single, so NO thank you." I answer.

"It was worth a shot." He gives a cheshire smile.

And I'm reminded all over again:

Love is in the small things you do. And they remind me why I fell for you.

You were the best part of my life. But I've understood that the best part doesn't have to be just one. It can be a bundle of best moments, all weaved together to form a beautiful polaroid which defines you. Thank you for teaching me that there is no such thing as THE END, because every ending has a new beginning.

I'll never forget you because you still stay alive in my heart.

Yours truly,
Adira Caddel


Song: Until I found you (Stephen Sanchez)

*sobs* this is the OFFICIAL END of my story. Thank you guys for staying till the end and I hope I didn't disappoint you.

Future me? Where are you? I've noticed you haven't been here since last few chapters. Is it some sort of a prank?

*no response*
*finds a note somewhere*

Dear Past me,
The journey of this story with you was perfect. I might have not told it to you often, but I enjoyed every bit of it. I'm glad I got to spend time with you in this roller-coaster. You could use some advices but I believe I shouldn't mess with the time line. The sole reason you haven't seen me in the past few chapters is because I'm not your FUTURE ME.

This is because YOU have reached the future. The future me is in YOU now. So go and review your work and accompany the younger version of you, still waiting for her future me.

Yours truly,
Your future me

*sobs* NOOOO!!! DON'T LEAVE ME !!!

*no reply*


*no reply*

....thank you

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