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"This one is for my lost childhood." I punch Elijah on his face as he makes some not-so-understandable noises.

"This one for holding my dad hostage." I kick him in the ribs and he falls with the chair he is attached with.

"This one is for killing mom." I squeeze his chest with my foot as he lays on the floor with the chair, still unable to speak as we've tied a cloth on his mouth.

"Trust me when I say this
I'm not the one to hold onto grudges,
But sometimes feelings take control,
And that feeling of having heart in clutches
Is responsible if I end up in this role."

"Very poetic." Leif claps from the other side of the warehouse, his hand still holding onto the ice pack he used just a moment before to relieve the pain of the hit on his head.

And Elijah ruins the mood by uttering something I cannot comprehend.

"Oh so you want to talk?" I raise my brows at him as I kneel down to reach his face.

"THIS is how I felt all this time when you treated me like shit. This is just karma bitting back on you." I whisper dangerously in his ears.

"And this is for making me kill Caleb." I say as I take a knife and bury it right next to his heart, close enough yet far away.

He screams in pain and looks pleadingly towards Leif.

"Oh you want me to help?" Leif points his index finger towards himself.

"Your wish is my command." He makes his way towards us and uses his feet to squeeze Elijah's palm which got released during the fall.

And the screams double.

"You killed my dear friend. And you know the most interesting part? He wasn't even Aiden Harper. Because I am Aiden. And look how destiny is?" He leans closer to Elijah but I'm able to hear him talk.

"You tried to kill me but I ended up killing you. " He presses the knife deeper as Elijah's scream echoes.

Luckily we are at an abandoned warehouse we found on our way back.

"You deserve all the hate in the world." I spit on his face and get up, leaving Elijah tied to his chair on the ground, his hand tied back by Leif.

The knife leaks blood and it slowly paints the floor.

"No evidence?" Leif looks at me.

"No evidence." I smile as I take the kerosene oil nearby and spread it all over the warehouse, including over Elijah.

Especially over Elijah.

He doesn't stop muttering as Leif keeps on pushing the knife deeper with his feet.

But not deep enough to kill him.

Because he deserves a torturous death for all the lives he has destroyed.

"All done." I throw the bottle on the ground and for the last time kick Elijah on the side to show all the hatred I had about him all this time.

"You know what's even better? The police will think that you escaped because all the proofs prove you guilty. Hence they won't suspect me." I start listing.

"Your business will collapse as I, myself, will hand over all the illegal records you have and thus all your partners will hate you too." I continue.

"And your blood will marry off to the person you wanted her to kill. Me." Aiden completes.

I've got in terms with the fact that he is Aiden Harper, not Leif anymore.

Because he planned all this.

"Aren't we going too fast ?" I ask teasingly.

"We'll see about that." He smirks and takes my hand as we leave the place.

He hands me a lighter from his car.
"It is your honour, your majesty. " He bows as if treating a royalty.

"As you say, sir Giant." I smile as I light up the lighter.

It all ends with this.

It doesn't take more than 5 minutes for the house to completely turn into flames.

I wait till the very end, ensuring Elijah didn't find a way to escape.

And it turns into night pretty fast.

"It's all over, Mini. You did it. I'm proud of you." Aiden pats my back assuringly.

"Yes. It's all over." I nod.

"But was that marriage thing important to tell Elijah? I suppose I rejected you." I playfully hit him sideways.

"Well didn't you want to torture Elijah? Just imagine how much pain he would have felt when I told him you would marry me?" He winks.

"Well gotta agree to that. But DO NOT get your hopes high." I warn him.

"Let's see about that."

Song: I did something bad (Taylor Swift)

FINALLYYY!!! So this is the part I liked to write. I tortured Elijah as much as I could. I was practically imagining the scenario and thinking about how it would turn out in real life !!

Seems like my efforts paid. This is the last chapter. There will be an epilogue after this, which is just to give the story a real end.

Stay tuned !!

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