6. Tracing the unknown

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Aiden Harper is the only heir of the Harper business.

Business in the underworld is another word for illegal trade relations with others.

But the Harper business is unique in it's own way.

They don't just sell drugs and weapons to people, they also provide security to their costumers.

And these costumers vary from the richest people of the world to the evilest terrorist.

But in the preceding few years, there had been a change in pattern.

And upon researching, I understood why this issue mattered so much to Elijah Albrecht.

The Harper business has reduced the supply to the terriosts. They've been avoiding the regular club meetings for a while. And yet they seem to have a good income.

The suspicions arise upon analysing this situation.

The Harper business is withdrawing from the underworld.

And Elijah is suspecting that this is regarding the new heir. Because the business is managed by Mr. Eugene Harper who has recently reached 78 years mark. The inheritance will soon be passed down.

And Elijah is scared.

He doesn't have anything over the new heir.

The relation between the Harpers and the Albrechts hasn't been good. They compete the market in the underworld.  Both have their allies and enemies. But they have come to an agreement.

But upon the change of the ruler, the agreement will break loose and Elijah will mostly be destroyed.

He always plays three steps ahead but this time he's a step behind.

And I'm tasked to do the research.

The task is a difficult one. The afternoon sunshine soon turns to dusk as I keep typing and coding the whole time.

I get up only thrice. First to refill my bottle. Second for a toilet break. And third to report to Elijah.

"So you wasted your afternoon?" Elijah's grey eyes pierce through mine.

"I actually haven't. I found a lead."

"I'm listening and you better make it worth my time." Elijah takes a seat on his desk.

"Aiden Harper, the son of Mr.Eugene Harper and Mrs.Margaret Harper. He attends most of the parties held by the underworld to get a grip over it. He studied abroad for 6 years and has been back to ‏Vermedict three months ago. That's the reason no one has any information about him."

"I never asked you WHY his life is so private. I asked you to FIND MORE about him." I can feel the man sitting on the chair losing his patience.

"I'm searching. It's a difficult job. My insiders found out that he plans to leave the underworld for good and deal with the normal world. He's planning to supply weapons to the government. " I continue .

"No wonder their business is still blooming even after restricting supply." He gets up and walks towards me.

"Find more before the year ends." Elijah is right beside me by then.

"I will, sir." I nod curtly.

"Keeping up with 'sir'?" He raises a brow.

"If you'll let me excuse myself." I neglect.

"You're dismissed." He goes out himself and closes the door.

Elijah knows that next year on January, Aiden will inherit the business and he fears the unknown.

So do I.


SO I'M BACK GUYS !!! HEY FUTURE ME, you still here?

Future me: Unfortunately yes.


Future me: You are gonna feel empty after you complete this story.

WAIT. WHAT did you write just now?

Future me: I completed the story.


Future me: Every beginning has an ending.


Future me: The story is literally called THE END. *hangs up*

So Aiden is a mystery and let's see what Adira can do to find him !!

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