13. Awkward tension dismissal

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The awkward tension in the room as the delivery guy leaves is enough to haunt me in my nightmares.

"Do you think the chicken is ready?" He asks and I know it is to clear this tension.

"I suppose so." I hurry to the kitchen and to my luck, the chicken is ready. So I switch off the gas and let it cool down a bit.

"You were fantasizing something right there, weren't you?" His voice awakes a spark in me which I forcefully dismiss.

"Ummm..." Only he can make me this speechless.

"So shall we continue what we left?" He eyes me playfully.

"Sorry what?" My mind is too blur to process anything that's happening.

"God ! You should have seen your face." The mischievous expression is replaced by a humorous one and I don't know why I don't find it amusing.

"Let's have dinner." Let's have each other was silent in my words.

He nods and we sit in silence as we eat our dinner.

"It's quite delicious. Thank you for the last minute help." He smiles sheepishly.

"It was fun." I admit.

And with that, the dinner ends and so do my dreams.

"Let me walk you home." He offers.

"There's no nee--"

"I insist." He says and I nod in response.

The main reason I was hesitant about him walking me home was that he shouldn't know where I live. I could always take him to my dad's house but Elijah would be alerted if I'm seen there.

Halfway through the walk we begin talking to set aside the awkwardness.

"It was the best night I spent after a long while." He says during our conversation.

"Not that masquerade ball?" I giggle.

"Yeah even that. Ahhhh." He sighs in frustration.  "Any moment with you is the best one."

And I'm taken aback by that comment.

He looks at me and realises what he just said. "I mean you allow me to relax and enjoy. I can be myself with you. The most raw and careless personality of mine resurfaces when I'm with you."

"You trust me too much, don't you?" I question.

"I trust you more than myself."

You shouldn't trust anyone more than you. I silently warn him.

"Is this a confession?" I tease.

"What if it was ? What would you reply if I proposed you right now?" He suddenly stops walking.

I think for a while but my heart has already decided the answer. "Maybe a yes ?"

"I'm such a coward." He whispers under his breath but I hear it anyways. He finally looks at me and holds my hand.

"It's just something I've wanted to say for a while,
How you wrinkle your brows when you truly smile,
How you admire the moon from a mile,
And how you look away when emotions pile,
The small things are noted in my file
In a small corner of my heart as your profile,
Because what makes you YOU is your own style
And what I ask from you is for you to be mine." At the end, he helds out a rose for me which I never noticed him taking out.

And this is too much for my brain to process.

Adira.exe has stopped functioning.

"Well I thought I could ask you out with a poem because you once said your hobby was poetry reading but I don't think it was a nice idea, was it?" He raises his brow submissively.

And I try to respond to his words. Notice the word 'try'.

"You can take your time." He flashes a huge smile and a part of me melts for it.

"Don't make me regret this decision." I take the rose from his hands.

"Is-is that a ye-yes ??!!" He exclaims.

"Well it ain't otherwise. "

"Can you like pinch me so that I know it's not a dream?" He says excitedly.

"You have dreamt about it?"

"Probably every night since valentine's. "
(Wait, why does it RHYME??!!)

"You are too--" I try to find the correct word.

"Much to handle. I know I can be handful." He gives me a cheshire smile.

"But now you are my handful."

"Woah! That was fast, princess. " He smiles.

"Still up with the princess huh?" I elbow him sideways as we continue walking absent mindedly.

"Never stopping it, princess."

"I need to find something as well so that it's fair."

"I can be your prince."

"That doesn't come off naturally." I laugh.

"I could be your knight in shining armor."

"That's a mouthful to say." I reply instead.

"It's a tough question, I agree."

"So how long are we going to go around the same alley? It's getting embarrassing now." I poke him sideways.

"It's been that long?" He smiles sheepishly.

"Probably about 20th time."

"Well I'm a possessive cat. I wouldn't miss any chance I get to spend more time with you. By the way, take these home keys." He hands me the keys.

"Why though?" I ask.

"Well in case of emergencies ?" He replies.

"Like.....what?" I raise my brows.

'When you want to kiss me in the morning?" He grins like a child.

"I should really go now."

"How far is the walk?"

"I've got a car." I hold the car keys high up beside my face and jingle it.

"So this is where we call it a night?" He presses his index finger on the bridge between his eyes and that makes me fall for him more. Terribly more.

"What?" He looks at me.

"Well I now understand what you meant by that statement the night of the Masquerade party. " I give the most genuine smile.

"Which statement?" He pokes me.

"Love is in small things that you do."

Song: Those Eyes (New West)

Future me: It was ABOUT DAMN TIME that we used this song!!!

Yup. It was delaying a lot. And it is going to be used MANY TIMES throughout the story!!

Future me: Ofcourse. And the way Caleb made a poem to propose to Adira *fainting while fangirling*

Yeah!!!! Like he kept in mind HER PREFERENCES is like OOWWWFFFF

Future me: He's mine.


Stay tuned !!

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now