25. Plan executed ?

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"I hope you didn't do anything reckless." Elijah takes a sip of his wine.

"What if I don't want to inherit your business?" I ask out of the blue.

"Then you need to create a child and make it inherit this business and get killed in the process." He says nonchalantly.

"Can I just not inherit it ?" I press on.

"You don't get that privilege being my blood. My enemies will find and torture you for revenge, knowing our deals are sealed with blood. It's better if I keep you prepared. Prevention is better than cure."

"Don't you prefer killing over curing ?" I scoff.

And I earn a slap across the face.

"Just because I've never raised a hand on you doesn't mean you get to be so disobedient. You need to pay for all the nonsense you do from now on. That's the only way I get to put you in line."

And I'm locked back in my room.


After another 2 days in my room, Elijah has extended my region of confinement from only my room to my entire chamber.

Basically I'm not allowed to leave my building.

"Did you hear what sir said last night ?" A maid doing the laundry whispered to her companion.

Walls don't have ears, servants do.

"About how he wants Ms.Alice to take over his empire?" The other woman replies while folding clothes.

"Indirectly, yes. I heard that sir is forcing Ms.Alice to take over his legacy by blackmailing her." The first maid continues.

Am I such an open book?

"Oh my my ! Poor little girl did nothing wrong to deserve this. But how exactly is he blackmailing her?"

"By keeping her father hostage." She answers.

"My God! But didn't he release him recently?" The other maid asks curiously.

"He released him from the main mansion, but as far as I've heard, he is held captive in the farm house."

No way ! My dad is still held hostage.

What did I even earn by killing Caleb?

And that is when I decide that I need revenge.


"I need my phone back. Everyone I know suspects that you have kept me in captivity. " I argue with Elijah.

"Oh yes! I should have given it to you early. Atleast I get to know where you are due to that phone. It serves it's purpose." He replies.

"Wait. You have been tracking me ?!" I ask with exasperation.

"I need to keep checking you don't get out of my sights." He casually says.

He has been tracking me.

"Here is your phone." He throws it on the dinning table and leaves me in my own turmoil.

"Promise me that once your father is free, you'll escape and never go to the dark side of the world. I want you to stay in the sunshine, where I can watch over you."

I promised Caleb. And I will fulfill it.

So the next thing I do is plan a sneak out.

Since it's already night, I have very less time to execute my plan.

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now