10. Ever heard about love ?

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"Fancy meeting you here." The yellow suited all-too-familiar voice whispered beside me.

"How'd you find me ?" I ask without turning.

"Better question, how'd you know I'm speaking?" He questions back.

"I'm used to your voice." I sigh.

"And it is quite easy noticing you wearing a dress I helped you choose." He smirks.

"You didn't help me choose." I retort.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He grabs a glass of wine and takes a sip.

"Are you enjoying the party?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I guess so."

I'm not enjoying the party.

"Would you like to dance with me so that I can enlighten your mood?" He offers his hand.

"Why are you so sure I need mood uplifting?" I roll my eyes.

Cassandra is to blame.

"Because your eyes are begging for me to uplift your mood." He replies with utter confidence.

He isn't wrong.

And so we dance. We dance till we run out of breath. We dance till I forget my mission. We dance till I clear my mind.

We dance till we can't anymore.

"Let me take you somewhere special." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the crowd.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Do you trust me?" He asks in return.

Do I trust him?

"Yes." I whisper more to myself than to him.

"Then I'll make it worth it."

So he takes me to the rooftop. The air is chilly as the night reigns. The moon melts into the stars as we finally take a seat.

"What is love ?' He asks me.

And for the first time, I'm out of words.

"I'm not sure but I think love is the comfort space. Where you want to spend more time with your beloved. Where you find peace. Where you find your home." I stare at the moon.

"What is love for you?" I ask back.

He sighs and replies, "Love is magical. When you feel like you own the world because your beloved is with you as they mean the world to you. Where every little memory is engraved in your heart. When someone holds you at your darkest and smiles from away at your happiest. Love is when you don't have to express yourself because they understand you. The silence is comforting, because even their presence is peaceful. Love is when someone prepares coffee for you because they know you love it. Love is when they play your playlist because they know it's your comfort space. When they hug you without you asking 'cause they knew you needed one. Love is feeling complete with someone." He pauses and looks at me.

"Love is in the small things they do." He smiles.

I simply nod and continue staring at the moon but I can feel his gaze on me.

"Love is quite complicated. " I interrupt the silence.

"Love is not supposed to be easy, orelse it takes away the fun."

And then a comfortable silence falls.

Love is in the small things you do.


"I want you to meet my friend. I've told him all about you and he seems curious to meet you in person." Caleb requests me as he guides me down the stairs.


We reach at the end and he calls someone.

I know this person.

"Meet him, my best friend Leif Darnell." Caleb introduces.

The new guy, Leif offers his hand and I take it.

"I'm Adira Caddel." I reply.

"Pleasure to meet you again" He smiles.

"Oh it's my pleasure. " I smile.

"What do you mean by 'again' ?" Caleb looks at both of us with clear confusion.

"We danced before you arrived." Leif clears the confusion.

"Well I finally get your name then?" I spare a look at the new guy.

"You're quite lucky." He smirks.

"That I am."

And I hope this luck is enough to find Aiden Harper.



Future me: I love him too !!


Future me: Do you fail to realise I'm you? I've always been the first to love him.

*excessive sighing* whatever.

Future me: You aren't assigning any songs for this chapter?

Nope. I know when to assign a song. And the song which I want to assign is waiting patiently for it's turn.

Future me: Whatever you say! Goodbye.


Future me: *hangs*

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now