21. Reminders of him

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The door to the cafe opens. I look up and see Leif making his way to my table.

Reminiscing Caleb hurts me more but I torture myself with it.

"Adira !" He waves his hand and I gesture him to come and sit here. It's a secluded cafe and not a rush hour so sitting near the window at the corner is the most isolation one could get.

"Ristretto for Ms.Adira Caddel!" Someone announces my name and I go to collect it. By the time Leif sits, I'm ready with my coffee.

"What would you like?" I ask him.


"Excuse me?" I raise my brows.

"Come on Mini, tell me what happened last night?" He pushes for answers but I'm determined to not slip.

"I told you. I and Caleb ended up having  make-outs and thus mutually decided to separate and return to the meeting point after half-hour. When I finished, I went to rejoin him but he wasn't there. I called out his name but I received no reply. I came running to you guys to ask for help."

I left out the part where I killed him.

"How come we can't find him? We've been searching non-stop since last night. It's literally 3 PM now and we have no clue." He pauses and rubs his temples. 

I am not an easy target, Leif Darnell. You cannot compel me to accept my sins.

But DEEP DOWN I know I need to tell him. If there is anyone in this world who can help me with closure, it's him.

"Celia is more stressed than you." He scoffs.

"She's his sister. Ofcourse she is more stressed." I reply.

"Please, Mini, tell me the truth. What happened last night?"

"I did tell you everything." I blantly lie.

For him it might seem like I'm being insensitive, but my heart is a void right now. A relatively huge space has become empty in my heart since I lost Caleb.

"I've alerted the police about this issue. You might be called for investigation. That's what I wanted to inform you."

"I'll keep that in mind." I take a sip of my coffee.

"If you know anything, please tell me Adira. Caleb isn't someone who would disappear out of nowhere. He would have informed us. He could be in danger. You wouldn't want him hurt, would you? Did you truly love him?"

"Don't you DARE doubt your capability to love." I hear it ringing in my head with Caleb's voice.


"Okay okay. I won't. But please spill the truth."

"I've already told you my statement. That's all I know." I sulk back in my chair.

He gets up to leave but leans in and whispers," You are trembling, Alice. "

Song: Vampire (Olivia Rodrigo)

Hmmmm. Do you think Leif will avenge Caleb's death?

Future me: *sipping tea* I'm all in for the drama.

Yeah like it took me 1 WEEK to restart writing after Caleb's death. I want justice for his poor soul.

Future me: *sobs*  WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL HIM ???!!

Idk. I made Caleb just to kill him off T-T.

Future me: And you ended up loving him too T-T.


Future me: MY CALEBBBBB....

*insert sad songs*

Stay tuned ....

THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now