23. Clashes of grey-eyes

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"I believe you misunderstood a part of it. I agreed to give him freedom, not you. Never you."

"You are messing with me." I shout at him.

"I have completed my part of the deal, you cannot accuse me for not satisfying my end just because you never studied the terms. It was his freedom that I guaranteed, not yours." He scoffs.

"You better be joking!" I raise my hand to slap him but he catches it mid-air.

"STAY IN YOUR LIMITS!!" He pushes my hand away and grabs my hair. I hiss in pain.

"Leave MY DAUGHTER alone!" Dad shouts from the background but few security guards restrain him.

"She's an Albrecht now and she will reside in my palace. You should thank her for your safety. So now go and live your life and don't do anything reckless that will risk your daughter's life." He pulls my hair and I scream.

"Adira! I said leave her, you bastard! Don't torture my poor child."

"She's no longer poor. Take him out and give him the keys to his place. The rest he can figure out on his own." He commands the guards who follow the orders.

"And you, you are getting out of hand. Do I need to teach you a lesson ?" He grabs my hair tightly and drags me to my room. I feel humiliated on how everyone notice my helplessness. But no one dares to object.

He pushes me onto the floor and locks the door from outside. "When you stay here for few weeks, you'll learn to never speak against MY orders. Just because you are my blood doesn't mean I'll tolerate every act of disobedience. "

I hit the door numerous times but to no avail. And so I give up.

I end up in the darkness of the room which doesn't seem as void as my heart.


The days melt into nights while I stay locked up in my room. All the devices snatched from me leaving me alone in my misery. The only thing keeping me sane is the diary I hid in my room.

The diary in which I've recorded my love for Caleb.

The diary in which I've expressed my dreams and fears.

The diary which contains all the hurt I've experienced due to Elijah.

The diary in which I've accepted all my sins.

And now the diary has become a part of me, something I cannot separate from myself.

I read it somewhere that paper has more patience than humans. It listens to everything without any judgements.

So as an enthusiastic reader + writer, I have taken this as a way to cope with the losses of my loved ones.

And then the door clicks open and I'm brought back to the reality, no longer a part of the dream where I am happy.

"I'm not hungry." I speak loudly while hiding the diary in the closet cabinet.

"You don't have to." Comes a rather hoarse voice and I still instantly.

"Now you want to take away the food aswell ? Better take my life instead, it's worthless anyways." I roll my eyes.

Cassandra please.

"I would have killed you had you not been my only blood-line." He spits out.

"I still don't understand why you want me to take over your business. You got right hand young men who are willing to do it for you." I reason with him.

"Those are just right hand men. The deals run after the family name. And might I add, the deals are made with blood, REAL blood. When you sign a contract, a drop of your blood is used to seal it. And about the right hand men, once they earn their fair share of money, they backstab you for a greater one." He replies nonchalantly.

"And what makes you think I won't?" I argue.

"Because I have made sure you wouldn't. Your dad is enough to control you."

"Then how about a better question? Why don't you just find another woman to bear your child and he can get to learn from you directly, so maybe he'll respect you better? Why not just have another child? Like I believe you still have 18 years to live before handing him the empire. Or maybe the underworld allows underage rulers ?" I fight back.

"Firstly, I've seen my brothers die to attain this position in the family business. I myself have killed them. I wouldn't want my children to go through that." His grey eyes wander away.

"Oh! So generous of you! But I'm not interested in this position and I'll willing with full love hand the next heir your business. " My grey eyes don't wander like his.

"Secondly, " He ignores my comment totally, " I'm unable to bear anymore kids." He murmurs.

"Wait! You mean you are impotent?" My eyes bulge out of their places as I try to control my laughter.

Cassandra told it to me once and it never stops being hilarious.

"Don't laugh! Just be glad that I'm letting you live this time." His face is stern again.

"As if I want to live in this golden cage." I respond.

And I get a huge slap across my face.

"Learn to respect me if you want your father alive."

"WHY are you here ??!" I shout at him.

"You made me forget it due to your lousy attitude. Get ready in 15 minutes and meet me in my cabin." He says as he retreats back but this time, leaving the door open.

"The security is tight! So don't attempt anything rash." He yells across the corridor and I sulk back in my chair.

What does he want this time?


Soo..... The story will take a quick pace now. I mean it's not lenient because I wanted to end the story within 25 chapters. But it got extended to 32 chapters. So let's just go with the flow and see where the story goes !!

Stay tuned !!

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