Chapter 21

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Do you think he really changed? What did you think of the last chapter? Is he in love or just obsessed?

Christofers POV

I'm leaving today back home. I spoke to my dad he told me he had considered it and was planning to speak to me about it. So he agreed not only that but he said he got me a car. Yes believed or not. A mustang 2014 it was awesome. He said I can drive it back home but to be careful.

Next following morning I picked up Stephanie took her to get Breakfast we spend all day together then I left her to drive back home. I really was going to miss her. I wanted to get my stuff.

As a drove home I got a call from my dad saying he called my mom and told her. So she was expecting me. Yay, I get to see my mom! Note the sarcasm.

As a pulled into the driveway my mom was outside waiting for me. She told me she would see me later that she was on her way to work.

I went straight to my room and took a shower as soon as I walk in I see a pair of exposed legs my eyes traveld to her body I notice she had nothing but underwear on if it was considered that. To me it looked like strings with decoration on them. As I travel to see her face I noticed it's the one and only "Emily."

I was going to finish here but I'll keep going.

"Hey baby"she said walking towards me

"What are you doing here?" I said trying to hold back my hormones.

"What you didn't miss me?"

"Sure I did"

"Why didn't you text me or called me back baby? " she said while her hands traveled thru my stomach to my back. Circling me like I was her pray.

"Mmmmm because my dad kept me busy? " sounded more like a question than an answer. I just lied! I noticed my mistake in denying my beautiful girlfriend. I instantly felt guilty.

"Well baby today I'm going to make up for all the lost time. Let me show you how much I missed you" she purred in my ear with those words she attacked my lips and then it happened. I officially cheated on my beautiful girlfriend. Not once but many times. How could I do that to her! I hated myself. I just got her. How can I face her after this. The don't tell her. What she doesn't know it won't hurt her. Right? But I was wrong very very wrong.

*Nope didn't feel like I should finish here just yet. Here comes Stephanies POV.

Stephanie's POV

It's been a week since Chris left. He texts me a lot things like. 'Baby I miss you','baby you are more than I deserve',' baby you have no idea how glad i am that you're my girlfriend'and, 'baby never leave me' I was getting a feeling he wasn't telling me something. I was going to skype with him today. I was determined to find out what was wrong. Maybe he changed his mind about moving here.


"Omg baby I missed so much" he said

"Me too babe but tell me what's wrong? " his face seemed startled about my question

"Wha-why are you asking me that?"he said obviously nervous.

"Stop. Tell me what's wrong? Did you change your mind in coming bac."I didn't finish because he interrupted me.

"Baby are you kidding me. I'm counting the days to come back to you."I smiled at him

"I don't want to hold you back from you want to do Chris."

"You aren't. It's-i."I could feel him not telling me something

"Tell me babe you can trust me"

"it's nothing baby. it'll be over soon. Once I'm back there things will change I promise. " I was confused by his statement. What did he mean 'it'll be over soon'? I decided to drop it.

"Ok baby. When are coming back? " I suddenly hear a woman's voice in the back calling his name.

"Day after tomorrow love. I have to go my mom is back. Bye baby I'll text you."

"Ok ba..." I didn't finished because he cut me off.

College will start soon so I had to go and do some last minute shopping.

What do you think about this chapter? How do you feel about the whole situation? What do you think about Stephanie and Christofer?

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