Chapter 37

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Hi guys this story will be ending soon in 3 more chapters. I hope you guys enjoyed the story. Please read my other books. I'll be finishing them as soon as this one ends hopefully I can finish it by this week. There's also going to another story soon so please read them and share my books. Please comment i love hearing your comments.

Christofer's POV

"My husband had a pain free death. He prayed for two years to see his daughter take her first steps and say his name. But God was so good that he granted him 3 years. He never felt pain. He never once complaint of his condition. He knew God would do his will. Even when I don't understand his purpose in taking my loving husband I know that he is doing the right thing. You see family in our mind we only see the negative things. We see our pain, we see the absent of David, we see Hope without her dad, we see how much we will miss him. But you see God sees beyond our own selfishness. God sees that my husband deserved to be in his presence. That he accomplished his will in him. That he didn't deserve the corruption of this world any longer. My husband loved God. He heald his promise and so will I." Tears fell from her eyes "I cry because I will miss him. But the pain in temporary God will heal my heart and one day If I stay true to his path I will rejoice in his presence and I will see David again. Thank you brother's for being here for my kids, family, and I. May God bless you all." With that Stephanie got of the stage and walked to sit next to me. I gave her a smile and she turned it.

"Ok please everyone, let's say a prayer for the family of David. So God will give them strength." With that we all prayed.

By the end of the day everyone had left home and I stayed with Stephanie and the kids.

"Stephanie, why don't you go to bed I'll put the kids to bed." She nodded and went to her bedroom

"Daddy, can you read us a book?" Joshi said "Yes! Yes! Please uncle Chris!" Hope yield

"Ok put only you guys head to bed now." I told them playfully. They still didn't get what was happening they were a bit confused. They just knew that David had left to be with God and we won't see him anymore. I ran after them put them in their pj's and started reading them the story of Abraham when I finished reading the book. I saw they had fallen asleep. So I tucked them in.

On my way to the guest room I heard Stephanie crying I let cry for a bit. But then I couldn't take it anymore. Hearing here in so much pain was painful for me. I loved this woman and her pain was my pain. I walked to her room i opened her door and laid next to her " Are you ok sweetheart? "
"Chris, I miss him so much!"
"I know but he is in a better place."
"I know but I-I want-t t-to be w-with him"
"But you can't because the kids need to you." I wrapped my arms around her and calmed her down a bit. Then I picked her up bridal style and took her to my room. She didn't protest because deep down she knew that room had to much memories. I put her down in my bed and put her under the sheets and pressed her against my chest.
"Steph, I love you sweetheart I'll always be here with you. I'll keep my promise to David." But when I looked at her had already fallen asleep. I had failed Stephanie by cheating on her. Even if she never accept me back I'll always be there for her. David was a great man. Without a doubt he deserved Stephanie more than me. But before he died he told me to look after Stephanie and the kids and I will. Even if nothing ever happened between me and her again.
Next following months have gone by so fast.
"Daddy is mommy coming back today?"

"Yes she is let's go and meet her at service. She'll be here in 40 min. How about we stop and get her some gifts kids? " they both cheered. Stephanie left to a christian retreat. We haven't seen her in 1 week and it seems like forever. We missed her a lot but hopefully she comes full of the presence of God. It's been hard on her but she has been really strong. Hope looks identical like her father. She is beautiful girl. Very intelligent, and loving.
"Do you think mommy will like our gifts?" Joshi asked we got her some flowers and teddy bears and a lot of balloons.

"Yes I think she will."

As we arrived at the church the kids rushed to get inside. service was about to start and rushed and sat down. As the service was coming to an end the woman were going to the alter to give their testimony of what they experimented. "Mom, please look after the kids I'm going to the car to get the gifts." My mom nodded.

When I walked inside was giving her testimony. The kids rushed to my side I handed them their gifts to for their mom.

"I'm completely blessed by God. In this retreat I came with an emptiness in my heart. But now my heart is completely full and God as healed me from my sadness. I have two amazing kids Joshi, and Hope. And I man who has respected me in my grief. who tells me that loves me but never one's has pushed me to accept him. Once I had agreed to marry this amazing man but we were young and immature. Things never turned out how I expected. But about 7 years later here he is. By my side helping me raise our son and my daughter." I noticed I was shocked that he was talking about me.

The kids ran towards her and I did as well. We gave her her gifts and we hugged her. "Wow, how about we go for dinner as a family?" She nodded when service ended we went on dinner we ate and at the end of the night we put the kids to bed. " would you like some tea?" I asked "yes, please"

"So did you mean it?"

"Yes every word."

"Stephanie would you give us a chance?"

" yes, i think that's what David would want and I'm leaning to love you once again" Oh my God she'd starting to love me again!

"I won't let you down! But I'll have to move to my apartment again. As a couple we cannot be living together I want to respect you until I marry you."

"Are you sure?"

"I've waited for you 7 years. A year or more won't matter. I want to respect you like a should've years back. I love you Stephanie I won't let you down."

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