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Yay!!! last chapter!!! Please check my other books. True love and the devils kingdom. I know the devil kingdom sounds bad but I can assure you it's a book worth reading. I have great ideas for that book. Well God bless I hope you like the last chapter.

Stephanie's POV

Things are as close as perfect can be. We have been married for 20 years now. Our life is surrounded by our kids all grown up and off to college. We live in peace with God by our side how can we not. We had in total 6 kids 2 kids (well more like young mans but they act childish so let's stick with kids) are identical twins and we adopted more kids after. We became foster parents and in the process we adopted 3 more. We have only boys except for Hope ofcouse. The twins are some troublemakers they constantly make the other kids angry. They are some pranksters. But we love them either way. We don't have any kids living with us anymore but we spend a whole lot of time in the house alone.

We constantly find new activities to do. We go on missionary trips and we help out at the church. But last week a news came that broke my heart. My daughter was pregnant. But the thing is that she is unmarried and doesn't want the child. She is considering an abortion. I grew up my kids in a very respectful Christian belief. How can she thinks like that? So when we went to see her. Her brothers came with us. Joshi was very attached to Hope and I knew he would help me.

When we arrived to her apartment we knocked and the door flew opened.
"Hope, can we talk to you?"

"Mom, dad" next thing we know our daughter reached for us and hugged us like her life depended on it.

"Hunny, did you go thru it already?"Chris asked
She shook her head "Ok look hunny who's the dad?" Chris asked

"A guy I fell head over heels for he is the same company as me but dad he cheated on me." "How do you know that hun?" I asked "he was kissing this other women in his office when I went to tell him the news"

"WHO IS HE I'LL KILL HIM! well not really.But I'll hurt him for hurting you!" Joshi shouted. "No you can't Josh because I'll never forgive you." There was silence in the living room for a few moments then Chris finally spoke "look hunny, well support you if you go thru with this pregnancy. You can come back to the house and put this apartment for sale. We'll help financially and emotionally." "Daddy but that's not fair for you guys. It shouldn't be like this. I was suppost to be married like you guys."

"Hun, but remember God has a plan for everything even our wrongs. Remember it took me a while to marry your dad. But if it wasn't for you other dad David I wouldn't have such a beautiful daughter like you. You are very special to us and I know this baby will be special for you too give him/her a chance."

"Mommy I'll be a single mom."

"YOUR PREGNANT!" Suddenly unrecognizable voice said. We all turned our head towards the door. A young man was standing there with flowers in his hand. He was handsome not as much a Chris but close enough. (Hey old people can still find their husband attractive)

"Hunter? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! GET OUT!" "NOT UNTIL YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Instally all her brothers stood up in defense of their sister. The twins were shacking of anger. And Joshi was burning hole with his glare. "YOU DON'T SPEAK TO OUR SISTER LIKE THAT!!" They all said in unison. The young man steps back. "Look I have no idea who you are. Nor do I care. I can tell you this if you wish to speak to her you'll have to do it under her terms not yours or mines." Joshi spoke up and I was so proud of him at that moment. Joshi walked towards Hope and said " babysis to you want to speak to him?" She nodded " do you want us to stay here?" She nodded again "Good" he smiled

"Hunter, yes I am pregnant. I was going to tell you last week when I ran into you and HER. I'm leaving with my parents and wish for you to sign some papers for you to turn over your paternal rights. Have a nice life." "Hope, please don't ask me to fight for my rights?" " Fight! Fight what exactly!" "That baby is mine as well. He/she deserves to be with her/his dad." "Hunter, don't act like you care but if you really wish to be part of hers/his life be my guest but the offer still stands. You can still sign those paper. I'll have my brother give you the papers for you to look over them. You have 6 months to thinks about it maybe less." "Hope don't bother sending the papers I won't sign them and please baby forgive me. I'm aware I'm a huge as***" we all gasped "don't use that language I know you are aware of that my family are Christians." "Yes, I apologized ma'am and sir. I come from a Christian family too."

"We don't care" The twins said "guys behave" Chris and I said

"Ok sorry where was I? Oh yes, Hope I don't want to loose you baby you make me the happiest man alive. At least It feels like that. What happened on my office was- was a mistake? Ok well I was a jerk! If you let me be in yours and our baby's life I promise to make it up to you forever. But please don't leave me. I promise to take care of you now and for as long as I live" " I can't accept you Hunter. Give me time to process everything. I have to move soon so I need a lot more time." "Wait, your moving? Where? When?" "As soon as you leave. I'm homesick and I just want to be home with my parents. And I won't be needing this apartment so why keep it?" "Baby don't leave me." "Is not up for discussion." At at moment I was proud of my little girl. She was going to be great mom. I just knew she would. We came back home with her.

Time flew by quicker than we ever expected. Hunter came by with him parents a few weeks after we arrived and he asked Chris for Hope's hand. Chris said that he would have to win her hand but that he agreed. He also mentioned that he was going to have a harder time convincing the guys to give up their sister. His parents agreed with us do to the fact that they were disappointed in him. Weeks turned to months and next thing we knew Hope was on her way to giving birth. Hunter like a good father was staying in the guess room since a month ago in case of an early arrival. Everything went smoothly and a baby girl arrived to the family. She was absolutely gorgeous. Looked like her mom. Few months past and Hunter finally proposed after gaining her brothers approval. They got married and so goes on the story with those two. Her story ended up being similar to mines but somehow I knew I would be better. Our lives is in a perfect harmony. We have ups and downs but everthing works for our benefits at the end. I regret not waiting for my wedding to give up my virtue but I'm also happy how my life turned out. You see remaining faithful to God has huge benefits. He always makes our mistakes in glorious victories.

The end....

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