Chapter 24

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Christofer's POV

College is great! Stephanie helps me study. Yes we actually do study. She is very serious girl. When she needs things done she doesn't hesitate to get it done. She is a very determined women. And I love that about her. In fact I love everything about her. I haven't said I love you yet but I feel it already. I think I've loved her since the moment I met her. But she says that was 'attraction'. She's adorable.

I'm not going to lie. I am becoming a Jesus freak. It's just amazing how much God loves us. And how ungrateful we can be. I hear nothing but gospel music. I'm not perfect I'm sure I got of a lot fixing to do. But I'm trying to live a proper Christian life. Its a work in progress

Emily has been calling and texting like crazy. I told her I was busy with college and a job but she claims if I don't go down there she will come. I told her I would go on Christmas break. But I'm determined to end things for good. I love Stephanie I am not going to let anyone get in the middle.

I'm finally telling our parents about me dating Stephanie I am a little worried. Ok. Ok I'm very worried. but I'm praying that everything goes good. In God I trust.


Dinner was great we talked about church and college. My dad and her dad talked about sports. We suddenly decided it was time.

I cleared my throat "can I get your attention." They stopped talking and looked at me cindy said some under her breath sounded like she said "here comes bad news" but I ignored it. No matter how much I tried she just didn't like me.

"I have something to tell you."

"Did something happen bud?"my dad said

"Why do u assume is something bad? I've been good right?" They nodded

"Ok with that being said." I took it deep breath and looked at Stephanie's father and said "sir I want to apologize" evey looked confused even Stephanie

"What, why?" he asked

"Well I shouldnt have approached  your daughter and ask her out and asked her to be my first girlfriend. So,  I probably did it the wrong way. Because I noticed afterwards that I should've probably asked for your permission first. And for that I am very sorry I hope you forgive me. But I would like to ask for your blessings to date your daughter. Even though we already are." I looked down and heard everyone gasped

Stephanie got up from her seat and started walking towards me when her dad stood up and stopped her Stephanie was going to protest but her dad send her a glare. She quickly step back and put her head down. The place got really quiet. Then he finally spoke.

"Under one condition"

"Anything sir"

"next spring break there's a campaign for christian men and your dad already agreed to go since it's specifically for men to restore their faith and become mens of God. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes sir"

"Then yes, you have my blessing"

"Thank you sir"

"Treat her like a princess because she is daughter of a king. Her father in heaven will expect respect for her daughter" I knew he meant God. The king of king.

"Yes sir I will."

Stephanie squealed and hugged her dad then hugged me.

Everything seemed perfect. Now next Christmas I had unfinished business. Once that was done there was no going back. I love Stephanie.

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