Chapter 19

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Omg they kissed but how does Stephanie feel about that?

Stephanie's POV

Omg we kissed. I mean he kissed me but I respond to the kiss! I feel a thousands butterflies flying in my stomach. In me heart I honestly hoped he would do that someday but there is something bothering me.
I installing remembered a bible passage "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9
Can I be wrong in feeling this way?

I felt so confuse I know my parents will disagree if I dated him. He hasn't even accepted Jesus yet. I know he will soon. But for some reason I know it's wrong. I'll tell him as soon as he comes back.

"Hey cutie" he said with a smirk

"Don't call me that. We need to talk about what happened. "

"I agree but can we talk this over dinner? I thinks we should finish the study first. "

"Sure" wait did he just asked me out and I agreed? I mentally slapped myself.


I met him at a dinner near my house. He insisted to pick me up from my house but I didn't want my parents findings out they would flip. Of course I will tell them but once this situation get cleared out. I can't believe I'm hiding things from them. "If you are hiding things from your parents it's because it's wrong." I tell myself. But how can something feel so right and yet so wrong at the same time?

"Hey beautiful " he said to me as he walked towards me. He looked so handsome he had a dress shirt on with a black jacket black jeans and some dress shoes he looked beyond gorgeous. I loved everything about him. I suddenly felt underdressed. I mentally slapped myself for the second time today.

"I thought I told you not to call me names. " he laughed

"It's not really a name if it's true. " I felt my cheeks boiling.

"We need to tal..." he interrupted me once again with another kiss but this time he had more confidence so did I. This crazy teenager hormones! We pulled away and he chuckled and said "and you were saying? " I obviously blushed like crazy

I started walking towards the dinner when he pulled me and said "we are not going to eat here." Wait, what?? I guess he read my confused faced because he then said " I asked you to meet me here but never said we will eat here."

"Where are we going then?"

"It's a surprised "

"So cliche" he laughed at my comment

"I guess it is"

We arrived to a community garden and he had a table with light next to the small water fountain. It was beautiful. I gasped "I'm guessing you like it?"

"Are you kidding me I love it!" He smiled

We talked all night about random things when he said something that left me speechless and completely happy "I'm accepting Jesus tomorrow."

"What? Are you serious? That's awesome. You won't regret it. I know I don't. Things will change for you from now on."

"They did from the moment I met you" I gasped

He then surprised me even more when He asked me a question "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

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