Chapter 30

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Stephanie's POV

We arrived a lot earlier than expected because on our way to look at the done flower decorations I forgot to get Chris credit card to pay for some things for the honey moon. I was determined to make our honeymoon extra special. I ran upstairs just as j was going to open the door I start hearing moanings inside. At first I figure Chris was watching porn I started to think about how to approach this situation. Watching porn wasn't only damaging spiritual but also mentally. But then all hope was lost when the girl said "I missed you like this Chris" then she started moaning his name I felt my heart shattered. Then I see Christopher's mom walk upstairs she was about to speak when I hushed her. Then she hugged me then suddenly the moaning stop I figure this was my cue.

As I walked in both of them were completely naked. Chris was standing between her legs and that's when I knew I had seen enough. I recognized the girl it was Emily. I knew something was weird about her. I quickly spotted the keys and ran to the car. I heard Chris and his mom call me name but I sprinted to the car and drove off I didn't notice the speed I was in until I noticed I was close to the house. I slowed down drove home thankfully no one was there. I got my suit case drove to the church spoke to the pastor told him everything then gave me the number for the missionary group picked one and without telling the pastor where I was going I handed him a letter for my parents and my ex fiancé. I told him the wedding was canceled and called a cab and left.
7 weeks later

Right now I'm in a little town in Mexico. I've been feeling sick these past days apparently I wasn't supposed to be drinking the water from here but me being me I dranked it. Turns out I got paired with a group of men and women they usually don't pair them unless they are married apparently they thought I was married. I didn't mind so I didn't complain specially because our group leader was no other than David from my church. He has been my brother, friend, counselor, and ect. We started dating. He asked me last week and I wasn't sure it was for the best but then yesterday we talked about it and I agreed. I thought it might be a good for me to move on.

I've been stuck in the tent all day. David got very worried so he drove us into town to see a doctor.

"Buenos tardes, mi novia se siente enferma necesitamos un doctor" good afternoon, mi girlfriend is feeling ill, we need a doctor

"Ok, pasen " ok come in

After they ran some tests the doctor came in.

"¿Todo esta bien?" Is everything ok? He asked as he hold on my hand I couldn't believe how wonderful he was with me. So loving and attentive.

"Felicidaded van hacer padres."congratulations you're going to be parents. My world crumbled. Yeah me and Chris didn't use protection to be honest I didn't come to my mind when it happened. Everything happened so fast.

I was starting to cry when David embraced me in his arms. He knew I had given my virginity to Chris. He said we hold off a lot considering how long we dated. But we were apart a lot with college and all. So it helped to keep hands off each other.

"Hey I'll take responsibility."

"You Don't hav..." He interrupted me
"No don't say it. Stephanie I think is clear that I love you. I've loved you for a while. I'll be a good dad. We don't have to get married or even live together is you don't want to. I'll give you time and space. I won't rush you but we need to go back to the states. I don't want our baby to be born here."

I nodded my head. He had accepted my baby as his. I couldn't be more excited and sad at the same time. I wanted this to be me and Chris. It was his baby after all. But I knew deep down he wouldn't want this baby. And it made me sad. It's like David read my mind because he said "I know you wanted this with Chris. I won't take it personal If you decide to run to him. I'll understand. All I want is you happiness. I'll go and make some calls to make our trip back home while I give you time to think."

After few minutes he came in. "David, Will you marry me?"

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"I guess I am. I want my.." he interrupted me "our baby"

I chuckled "yes, our baby to have a family. But I want to get married here before we go home."

"I would love to but let me ask appropriate." Just as he said that he h ot on one knee and said "Stephanie I bought this ring when we were back home for you. At first it was meant more like a promise ring but for some odd reason I brought it here with me. Like I said I've loved you for a while. Stephanie Will you marry me?"

I was speechless then after a moment pass I nodded my head I didn't notice I was crying until he wiped my tears "yes, I'll marry you."

"Great, you won't regret it."
3 days later

"I pronounce you husband and wife" my family and his came to the wedding. We decided to move to Washington state. His parents had a house over there and said it would be our wedding present.

My father was very much confused. I never explained the situation to him. But I didn't need to because he had an idea what had happened. I'm guessing Chris told him. He walked towards me and hugged me and said
"Stephanie, don't break his heart. he truly loves you."

"Dad I know. I will love him soon also. He is great and I always had a small crush on him. Plus he loves God. I dare to say probably more than I do."

"Ok sweetheart I'll visit a lot, ok?"

"Ok daddy I love you."

"Me too sweetheart. "

David came towards me kissed me and hugged me. He was too sweet I love that about him he is going to be a great dad."ready to go home?" I nodded "Ok, let's go our plane takes off in 2hours."

As we walked towards the airlines. he chuckled "I won't pressure you to anything Stephanie. Take your time. Plus just the fact that you have my last name makes me proud enough." He was right. I was now Stephanie Parker. It made me smile of how perfect it sounded. But deep down I wanted to be Stephanie Hunter.

I guess I was frowning because David hugged me by the waist and said in my ear "I'll make you the most happiest women alive." At the moment I knew he would. And he did.

The end!!!
Just kidding lol. There's still more chapters left. Please Vote and comments. God bless

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