Chapter 31

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Christofers POV

I feel like a complete moron. I never thought I would get caught. I had a weakness instead of fight it I always gave in. I've been going crazy looking for Stephanie. I finally gave up. Her father told me she did not wish to see my anymore. And he broke my heart when he said 'look she's with someone else. They are even getting married' I didn't want to believe him but something said he was telling me the truth.

It's been about almost 2 years since I've seen her. I was send to Washington to do my residency to become a pediatrician. I always imagine having kids with Stephanie. I can't move past that. I haven't seen anyone since she broke off the wedding. I've focused my life on school and God. I spoke to my mom about God. She had been caring so much weight in her shoulder and it wasn't making her happy. I told her about Jesus and how Jesus can save her and take that weight off. She got curious and went to temple and fell in loved with God. Both my parents serve God and so do I. My mom met a guy and they are getting married. I in the other hand have had several offers from the pastor of girls who worship God in temple who in his words says 'Cris, when you are ready. I'll like to be the one to marry you. Take someone from church so you'll know God will bless that marriage. But only if it's God's will.' I just don't have the time nor do I want to start another relationship. I still love Stephanie and I don't want to hurt anyone else for loving someone else.

As I arrived to Washington I grabbed a taxi to my apartment. Left my bags changed and headed out to introduce myself in the hospital where I'll be working. It's a very beautiful hospital. Very clean and what surprises me more is that there's a lot of Christians in the staff. They told me to get familiar around town and that I start work on Monday.

Instead of going home I searched for a dealership and bought a car. Once the papers were signed I looked for Christians temples around town. I found several but done were open. I until I a beautiful one and it was opened. I walked in and I was greeted immediately my Ushers and everyone. Service hadn't started yet so I found the pastor and spoke to him told him where I came from my story. He said I was welcomed to his church. And decided this was God's purpose so I stayed. Once service started in the middle of the service a little kid walked towards me. This baby was easily close to 2 years old. But what shocked me more is that he looked a lot like me. My eyes, my nose even my lips but had Stephanie's color hair. This what I imagined our kids to be like. In fact I dreamed o nice about a baby just like him a while back. But I knew its wasn't possible. I picked up the baby sat him on my laps he was playing with face. I kept tickling him he had such a beautiful laugh. When he smiled it was like watching Stephanie smile. She had her smile. Wow the resemblance was unbelievable. I was getting attached to this baby already. As soon as service ended I held him waiting for his parents when I see David?

"David? Is that you man?"

"Yes it's is"

"Wow well God bless you. I want to catch up with you but let me find this little guys parents first. I got to tell you this little guy won my heart." I said as I started tickling him.

"No don't worry his mine."

"He's yours? Wow I didn't know you got married. Congratulations man. May God bless your marriage and this little guy."

"Thank you. So did you got married.?"

"No. I couldn't find myself to do that after Stephanie. "

He got uncomfortable when i mentioned her. then said " look I have to tell you something"

"Sure thing was up?" But I then the baby started coughing. I got alarmed because while I was patting on the back I felt some bumps I quickly lifted his shirt just enough to see and turned to David and said "David your baby is getting Chicken pox"

"What? How? Wait what should I do?"
"Don't worry is common. Just take him to get checked up. Watch out for fever"

"Wow thank you. Wait how do you know this?"

"I'm here to do my residency. I'm becoming a pediatrician."

"Wow that's great man"

"Wow about we do this another day? I'll tired from the flight."

"Sure thing" I handed the baby to David after I hugged him and asked for him name "Joshua" he responded

"Well bye joshy" and I walked towards my car to go to my apartment. Ater I prayed I went to sleep
Next following days I've been fixing my apartment. And getting all services under my name. I got a 2 bedroom apartment for when my family visit so I've been fixing everything. I've gone grocery shopping and ect. Finally I sat down in the couch and watched t.v. while I ate.

Things weren't suppost to be like this. I was suppost to be with my wife and At least one baby already but I failed. Now I'm doing nothing on my free time besides watch t.v. exercise or go to church. I don't mind doing any of it but I feel lonely. I can't help it. But thank God I know he is always there. He is my strength and my peace. With out God life would make no sense.

I'm heading to work. I picked this career cause I love kids. And also because I knew Stephanie loved kids too. So I wanted help them. Eventually I'll take my stuff and go to Mexico, Africa, Honduras, and all the poor countries and help kids all over the world. Help those who really need it.

I want to make up for all my wrongs. Even though God has forgiving me I still wish to be of service to them.

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