Who's zoomin who?

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Dakota runs out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in her mouth, pulling her hair up as her phone rings from the kitchen counter.

"Hello" She answers, words muffled from the toothpaste.

She spits into the kitchen sink "sorry, hello?"

"Derek won't answer my calls-"

Dakota sighs "Addison-"

"That's not- I'm flying into Seattle today. Richard called me in for a case." Addison tells her

Dakota chokes and her eyes go wide "Y-you're coming here? To Seattle?"

"Try not to sound too excited"


Dakota was standing at the nurses station when she saw her brother walking towards her. Her eyes went wide and she abruptly turned around to walk away, only to be met with Meredith coming towards her too.

"Why" she muttered under her breath.

Both of them reached her just as her pager went off "Thank god" She mumbled as she ran off.

Derek and Meredith gave her strange looks as she ran away.

Dakota made her way down to the ER and her eyes landed on Elijah.

"I love you. You have no idea how much I love you right now" Dakota said

Elijah laughed at her "Mind if I ask why?"

"I'd really prefer if you didn't" She sighed

"I won't ask for now, but we will revisit the topic of your love for me"

Dakota gave him a look "I take it back"

Elijah shook his head "Nope, you can't."

"Why'd you page me?"

"Derek wants both of us on a top secret case. Apparently we make a good team"

Dakota pursued her lips "Stop"

"Might be because of how much you love me" He smirked

"You paged me to work with the person I was avoiding...any love I felt is long gone"


"Ooo, tumor" Dakota says as she looks at some scans with Derek, Elijah, and Webber.

The three attendings turn to her with strange looks.

"I'm a surgical intern, I get excited about this kind of thing." Dakota shrugs

"Who's the patient, Derek? Why did you ask us to be here?" Elijah asks, shaking his head at Dakota.

Webber clears his throat "I'm the patient. I asked him to keep it under wraps. This stays between the people in this room. Am I understood?"

Dakota and Elijah glanced at eachother before looking back at the chief.

"Yes sir" they chorused


"You're avoiding me" Derek says as he, Dakota, and Elijah scrub in for Webbers surgery.

Dakota scoffed "I- I am not"

Derek hums as he turns off the water "Were talking about this later" he gives her a look as he pushes through the door to enter the OR and talk to Webber.

Dakota groans and hangs her head as Elijah laughs at her "Why exactly are you avoiding him?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

Farewell, Neverland - Grey's AnatomyWhere stories live. Discover now