Raindrops keep falling on my head

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"Hey, Joe" Elijah greets the bartender as he and Dakota sit at the bar, the latter glancing at Meredith who was sat further down.

"Hey, Elijah. What can I get you guys?" Joe asked the two

"I'll have bourbon and she...don't tell me, I'm gonna guess" He says looking at Dakota "double scotch, single malt"

Dakota looks at him in shock "How'd you do that?"

"I never reveal my secrets" Elijah smirked

Dakota hummed as Joe placed their drinks down, looking between the two with a curious gaze before walking away.

"Derek told you" Dakota stated

Elijah nodded "Yup"

Dakota shook her head and smiled at him

"What's the deal with Derek and..." Elijah trailed off, waiting for Dakota to step in.

"Addison. She cheated on him, so he left. Came here for work to get away from her" Dakota said taking a sip of her drink "He met Meredith and never told her."

"Damn. You seemed happy to see Addison, though"

Dakota let out a weak laugh "I tried...I tried to hate her, I tried so hard not to talk to her. She hurt my brother and I wanted to hate her for that."

Elijah looked over at her as she kept her gaze on the glass she fiddled with in her hand. "But you couldn't"

"She's the reason I decided to go to medical school. As much as I wanted to hate her...she's one of the most important people in my life" Dakota told him

"Hm... I don't even know her but I don't think I'm gonna be able to hate her" Elijah says

"Why's that?" Dakota looks over at him

"Because she's the reason you went into med school...by proxy, she's the reason I met you"

Dakota hummed "good point. You should thank her, because you're blessed to know me"

Elijah laughed as a loud crash was heard from the other side of the bar. The two doctor's heads snapped over to see Joe collapsed on the ground. Without a second of hesitation, they rushed over to him.


"Derek is gonna do a stand still operation on Joe" Elijah informs Dakota as she sits next to him in the waiting area, handing him a cup of coffee

"Are you and Joe close?" Dakota asks

Elijah clears his throat and nods "Yeah. He, uh- he's dating my brother. Joes a good man"

Dakota give him a soft smile as she gets a page "Luckily for Joe, he's got one of the best neurosurgeons in the country performing his procedure"


Dakota walked into the conference room Derek had paged her too.

"Did you know?" Derek asked in low tone

Dakota shrugged "She called me."

"And you didn't bother to tell me" he snapped

"Addison is family, she is my sister. I wanted to hate her for hurting you and I tried-"

"She slept with someone else!" Derek slammed his hands on the table

"Let me finish, dammit! She's the reason I became a doctor. For months she's the only person who I allowed to be within five feet of me. I wouldn't even let mom near me. Addison is one of the most important people in my life. I'm sorry she hurt you, but I can't cut her out. Hate me for it if you want" Dakota tells him before storming out of the room.

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