Life is still going on

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"Are you okay?"

Dakota stared at the counselor with a blank face before she burst into a fit of laughter.

"That is the dumbest question anyone has ever asked me. My best friend, brother, and the man I'm in love with all got shot. Two of my friends died" The brunettes laughter halted "You know...I took Eli's dog for a walk this morning and it was raining. I felt the rain hitting my skin but all I saw was blood. All I saw was Eli's blood soaking my clothes. So no, I'm not okay. I don't think I'll ever be okay."

Dr. Perkins looked at her for a moment for grabbing a slip of paper and signing it.

"You're clearing me? Are you stupid?"

"Everyone that has come in here trying to get cleared has insisted that they're fine. You're the only one to admit that everything is not okay. That means you're on the right track" Perkins told her as he handed her the paper.

Dakota hesitantly took the paper from his hand and looked at it before getting up and leaving the room.


Elijah was stood in the kitchen when he heard the front door open and close. He could hear Milo's paws tapping on the floor as he excitedly bounced around Dakota as she entered the house.

He walked out of kitchen to see Dakota throw herself down on the couch.

"Did you get cleared?" Elijah asked her

Dakota looked up at him and pursed her lips "I don't think i should've been"

Elijah walked over to her and lifted her head, taking a seat on the couch and resting her head back on his lap. "Is this about this morning?"

Dakota closed her eyes and took a deep breath "I walked into that hospital with light blue scrubs on and walked out with dark red scrubs."

"Open your eyes" He whispered

She obliged and opened her eyes to look at him

Elijah smiled down at her "I'm right here and im not going anywhere"


"I promise"


Alex was standing at one of the nurses stations when he saw Dakota walked towards him with a pissed off expression. His eyes widened and he quickly turned to start walking the other direction.

"Don't you dare walk away from me Alex Karev!" Dakota shouted, her voice laced with anger.

Alex winced at her tone and continued rushing away until he colllided with someone "dammit"

Elijah looked down at Alex with furrowed brows "What are you running from Karev?"

Dakota reached the two and grabbed Alex by the scruff of his shirt.

"Ah, that's what you're running from" Elijah muttered

The brunette lifted Alex's shirt up and poked his chest "What the hell are you thinking walking around with a bullet in your chest"

"It's badass"

Dakota scoffed "It's idiotic. Go find Bailey and have it taken out"

"I'm not gonna-"


"I'm gonna go find Bailey" Alex nodded before walking away and doing what Dakota told him to.

Dakota smiled to herself as Alex walked away before turning to Elijah who wore a smirk on his face. The brunette hummed and began walking back in the direction she originally came from.

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