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"Nope, I don't work here anymore"

Mark and Elijah's head snapped over when they heard Dakotas words. Mark looked over at Elijah with a questioning gaze.

"What the hell happened during that meeting with the chief?" Elijah muttered.

He snapped the chart in his hands closed and walked away from the nurses station.

"Wait? Meeting with the Chief? Madden!" Mark called out, only to be ignored.

Elijah walked to the chiefs office and stormed in "You fired Dakota Shepherd?"

Richard looked at his head of trauma and sighed "I-"

"She is one of, if not the, best interns - best residents - in this damn hospital!"

"There were complaints filed against her, I followed protocol. She was given a choice and she chose to leave" Richard told the man

"Complaints for what? Being too good at her job?" Elijah scoffed


The man shook his head and walked out of the office.


Week One

Izzie walked into the ER with her interns following suit and approached Elijah.

"Dr. Madden, I'm on your service today. I was-"

Elijah cut her off and looked at her interns "You two can come with me to trauma room one. You two can assist with the incoming trauma with Bailey." He then looked at Izzie "Tyler requested you, so go find him. Everything is covered here"

Izzie watched in disbelief as they all walked away before sighing and walking towards the nurses station, stopping in front of Tyler.

"You requested me?"

Tyler looks up at the blonde with a grin on his face "Yup" he handed her a stack of charts

Izzie looked at them and scoffed "You requested me for rectal exams?"

"Sure did"

"Surely there's someone else that could handle this. I mean, I'm supposed to be on trauma" The blonde argued

Tyler shrugged "You're the perfect person for the job. And I'm Dr. Madden wouldn't mind"

The nurse walked away and Izzie huffed, grabbing the stack of charts and walking out of the ER.


"Why are you making that face?" Cristina asked as Izzie took a seat at their table in the cafeteria.

Izzie huffed "I've been on rectal exams all day when I was supposed to be doing something badass in trauma, and every time I ask a nurse to do something, they always ways seem to 'forget'. God, I feels like everyone is out to get me today" She leaned her head on Alex's shoulder.

Cristina let out a small snort, making Alex look at her and shake her head. The woman ignored him.

"Everyone is out to get you" Cristina told the blonde

Izzie looked at her in confusion "Why? I didn't do anything wrong"

Alex rolled his eyes "Iz, you're the reason Dakota isn't here anymore. You got put on trauma so Madden could control what you got to do. He and Dakota were probably the best team this hospital has ever seen. As for the nurses...Dakota was their favorite."

The blonde scoffed "I'm being tortured because of Dakota"

Meredith approached the table, placing her tray down and glancing at Izzie "No. you're being tortured because you deserve it. Should've just kept your mouth shut"

George looked over at Meredith in shock "Mer"

"What? I'm just being honest. I mean, everyone's favorite doctor left because of her. And now I have no sunshine in my life because Dakota won't talk to any of us."

Alex popped a carrot on his mouth "She still talks to me"

"Shut up"


Week Two

Derek rushed through the ER doors and into trauma one "You paged?"

Elijah looked up from his patient and over at Derek with furrowed brows and shook his head "No"

"You asked me to page Dr. Shepherd" an intern said

Derek sighed at the interns words as Elijah hugged and shot the intern a look "I meant...dammit. No, I needed Dakota."

"Okay, how can I help?" Derek asked as he slipped on a pair of gloves "If Kota were here what would you have her do?"

"That's just it. If Kota were here, she wouldn't have asked that question. She would've just known"


"He's insufferable" Mark said as he and Derek stood off to the side watching Elijah at one of the nurses stations "I mean, the dude is absolutely miserable"

Derek shrugged "He doesn't have his Ace anymore. Nobody works as well with him as Kota does"

Mark let out a small chuckle "Yeah, he also doesn't get to see her everyday anymore. You'd be the same if Meredith left"

"That's different" Derek said

Mark scoffed and looked over at Derek "Is it?" Derek looked at him confused "Oh my god. You seriously don't see it. Der, Madden is stupidly in love with Dakota. I mean, why do you think he hated me so much when I first got here?"

"Because you're you"

The plastic surgeon rolled his eyes "Because I have a history with Dakota. You can't honestly say you haven't noticed it before"

Derek pursed his lips and looked back over at Elijah, deep in thought "Huh"


Week Three

Izzie walked up to Elijah at the nurses station in the ER "I'm on your service again"

Elijah slowly closed the chart in his hands and turned to the blonde "Actually, I had you put on my service for the rest of the month"


Elijah handed the girl a stack of files "So I can make sure your residency is a living hell."

Izzie frowned "What-"

"I like to think I'm a nice guy Stevens. But typically I'm only nice when other people are nice. Unfortunately, getting someone fired to feed your own delusions doesn't fall into the nice category." Elijah told as he began walking away, he stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder "by the way, the patient in bed four needs sutures. Take care of that will you? I've got a trauma coming in"

The man walked away, leaving Izzie standing there shocked.

Meredith and Derek, who had been standing a few feet away and caught the entire interaction, looked at each other.

"What the hell just happened?" Derek asked

Meredith cleared her throat "I think Elijah just found out why Dakota left"

Derek grimaced "Thats not gonna end well"

*some lovely moments of how people (Elijah) reacted to Dakotas departure*

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